The JOYFul Writer

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When I Found JOY...

See, little did I know that JOY was one of my TOP VALUES, if not the highest of them all.

Yet now, looking back, I can see the magic that is JOY in my life. When things didn’t work, there was no JOY present. 

Whenever I was sick, which was all throughout my teens and twenties…
And even into my thirties...
Yep, a lack of JOY.

It’s so incredibly simple yet I made it so very hard. 

When I work from JOY, everything flows. 

When I live from a place of JOY, my world expands.
When I love from a place of JOY, all is possible.
When I give from a place of JOY, boom… 

Cue purple faerie dust and all things that sparkle!

But let’s focus on you…
As this article is all about the JOY I wish to share with you today…

And that comes in the form of my SuperPower

When I write, I write with utter JOY and thus it works.
Words pour out of me, stories unfold, copy runs wild and everything ALIGNS...

From my very cells
To the sun, the moon, the stars
And all my wants, desires and needs in between. 

All are met with grace, with ease, with dare I say it…
Delicious JOY.

See the Universe knows the secret of me. 
JOY is my fuel... 
To greatness

JOY is my drug of choice
My essence
My way of tapping into HER essence
Which in turn is tapping into the very essence of me. 

We. Are. One. 
The Universal Goddess and I. 

(Dudes don’t get jealous, Gods have ruled long enough… or so they thought?!)

Topic for another day, cue my goddess, Ichel. 

JOY made all possible yet I was always pushing my JOY away
Which leads me to another top VALUE…

Hmm, this starts to get fabulously interesting. 
So buckle up, buttercup, we’re going for a ride. 

A ride down the path of Jill-o-licious,
the JOYFUL side of me that had child-like fun
(but wasn’t super ‘responsible’)… 

And the alter ego I’d created to get sh*t done.
(She shall wait to be revealed for a more appropriate time...
but The Word Doctress gives you a clue.

Which meant I lived separately from, well, me… 

Three parts of myself…
And thus, so incredibly

And the now allows me to see that while I have been successful 
(as a writer) 
I have never FELT successful. 
(Until now)

While I have been stable
I always FELT out of sorts.
(Until now)

While I have the dream life (literally)
I often found myself sick…
Dangerously so. 
(Until now)

Yet, with a new found awareness, that all changed. 
One year later (almost), I can honestly say I am not the same Jill
As I once was.  

One year later (almost), I can smile and say I LOVE ME. 
And not feel weird about it or 
Out. Of. Integrity.

One year later, I can shine bright like a diamond (sing it Rihanna)
Step fully out into the spotlight
And shine bright
As me. 

No more hiding. Boom.
No more fake names. Cue, Freedom by George Michael.
No more fear of judgment. Bring it.
No more shame that, the me that I am isn’t enough.
Cause I’m Perfectly Imperfect, b*tches!

(That’s for you Teri, you know who you are.)

No more bullsh*t. 
No more compartmentalizing the pieces of me 
to stay safe, 
play small, 
hide the greatness that is me.

Because this greatness...
This SuperPower of Words
That I have
Is a gift
From the Universe To me.
And who am I to hide it?
Who am I to keep it from you?

So this is me... 
Stepping Out. 
Stepping Up
Stepping In.
With Utter JOY.

In complete aligned INTEGRITY
Saying welcome to the house of me… 

My new LIVE OUT LOUD project
That no longer hides the very essence of me
But instead invites you inside 
To access your own slice of JOY
Through my words.

Some are totally free… 
Some are available via what I like to call the JOY-Scription… 

And my intention is to simply share
What’s possible
When living from one’s highest values. 

I’m out.
I’m aligned.I’m finally in INTEGRITY...
And I’m so friggin’ full of JOY...
I could booty dance non-stop into the new decade.
...And beyond.

(Update, I am!)

Why not join me. 
Check out what FLOW feels like
What ALIGNMENT looks like
And what this Jill 2.0 is up to
Now that I fully accept and embrace myself...

And if you want even more access
Dive into the JOY-Subscription

And get all of my words…
I’m looking for my first 108…

A special blend of JOYful Souls
And my founding members that will get more of me as this tale unfolds. 

What’s More JOY Worth To You?

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Access All My JOYful Words

For the detailed soul, click here for more.