Imagine You Offer No Apologies For Being You


Everyone Is Envious Of

It’s Possible When You Unlock
The Delicious Universal Code To All-That-Is
In that 9 to 5 Corporate Grind or Starving-Artist Mentality


A Single Conversation
Can Impact Your Life

If you’re like most, you’ve been there.

You’ve experienced a conversation that either sent you soaring into the stratosphere or spiraling into a nose-dive.

Perhaps it’s been a while, since you reacted in the heat of the moment, as we tend to get better at deflecting with age.

Or perhaps, it was just last week
when words said set you on edge…
Causing an endless replay of possibly outcomes
that could have been…had you only found your voice, said what you meant, expressed yourself– 

Cue Madonna…

Been there,
done that,
so over that exhaustive spin

It would be amazing to be able to say the same, no?

There’s simply no denying…


…The Power of Words

When in the form of a one-on-one conversation,
the thoughts that we play on repeat
or the words that flow out of us,
often on autopilot…
with very little thought

Words matter.

Owning one’s words,
developing a love-affair with clarity,
Along with the gift that is letting go…

Now those are key spices needed
when creating a most delicious life.

From letting go of past stories
that no longer serve you,

To uncovering the words
you say to yourself on the daily,
The stories you tell yourself on repeat
that often aren’t fit for your worst enemy
let alone yourself…

To discovering how to truly
find your voice, your truth,
and purple-pen new stories
that create a favor of funnel in your world

All that IS possible
when in the right-fit-for-you conversation…

Jill with Ms. Yellow

Your Time To Shine

Words are impactful,
meaningful even.

And some words,
said a certain way,
have the utmost power
to allow you to transform your life.

If you’re like most of my clients,
you love to make a difference
in the lives of others.

You may just be the helper,
a person-of-impact
yet so often
you put another’s needs
above your own…

Then beat yourself up
over and over and over again.

And if you really tap into knowing you, 
The lives of others
will naturally be impacted by your ripple.

No more people pleasing.
No more over-doing. No more striving.
Simply to know you’re worthy enough to exist.

Clarity is…

the grounding force, the ripple that becomes a tide, that enables you to stop pushing on the pull door of life. 

And instead, lean into your truest state of being and serve from that place, space.

Do you even know your own potential, Fabulous?

What a delicious question to ponder, to sink into

If you cease the need to judge yourself wrong for not knowing the answer.

Here’s a secret. Most don’t know…

If you’re anything like those I work with, you have not yet fully tapped into your own greatness…

In fact, if you’re an over-doer,
over-thinker, over-analyzer, over-striver… Chances are you’re like so many…

Like I Was Once

Spending so much time in your head, your past stories.
In those what if games, I like to call them
Or contemplating woulda, coulda, shoulda thoughts…

I’m here to say this way of BEing,
of showing up in the world
is often centered in trying to please,
get it right, be (gasp) perfect.

And guess what?

First, there’s no such thing as perfect
so kick that sh*t to the curb of you

Second, this path,
this way of BEing All The Overs,
Over-doing, Over-achieving, Over-Committing,
Over-thinking, Over-analyzing…

is a surefire way to
burn out, debilitating depletion,
self-sabotage and endless struggle
that leaves you on the spin cycle of a setting
that just doesn’t feel like home

Comfy in Me Being Me

When you know thyself,

And your tap into your potential…

Are wise enough to sink into letting go…

And a world of possibility opens to you
Like a light show of spectacular force
And delicious grandeur.

When you do,
Life becomes exciting
JOY takes up permanent residence
in your days

And you find pleasure,
not pain,
in peeling back the layers
that no longer serve you.

Getting to this place of letting all go is so worth the work it takes…

Imagine no more endless voices
in your head

No more replaying of past convos thinking– if only

Then I could have gotten it right…
Or, at least, better. 

No more dropping of your stomach
That bottomless pit of a feeling over having to make a decision

Or tossing that choice to another
So you don’t have to be
the bad guy or gal

But in the end hating yourself a little bit more
because well, that way wasn’t aligned with you…

But who are you anyway?

How do you even know unless you begin letting go of all the sh*t holding you down down down

Back back back
Robbing you of all that could be

Jill Looking out

What comes from daring to go down the path 
And truly let go of those stories that no longer serve you,
Those conversations you repeatedly do-over in your head,
That slight, you remember from twenty-plus years back… 

When you discover the JOY of letting go..
The peace of mind that can be glimpsed at
Until it becomes your new norm… 

When you unearth your voice,
Realize you have something worth saying
Something others need to hear,
Want to hear, 
Are aching to tap into… 

All that makes getting unstuck
a requirement not only for your success,
your peace of mind, 

But also the impact you so say you want to make in this world.

Finding Your Voice
is a path to Finding Yourself 

Jill and Baby Bisou

And when you know yourself inside and out…

All the meaty bits, 
And love yourself 

That’s when your Inner Knowing

A timeless, born-unto-you wisdom begins to shine through.

Where literally your stars align
And life becomes
Flow With No Force.

When Ease is what you Allow in
And JOY is how you greet each new day.

[Cue Disney animated butterflies]

Go ahead and twirl,
Or laugh,
But consider for one hot sec
What it would feel like 

To actually see your world in animated
techni-color each and every day…

To actually not get bogged down in the mire that is happening in a world gonna a bit mad…

But instead to lean in,
To trust yourself,
To speak your mind, 
To honor your inner voice,
To face each moment with gratitude 
And yep, JOY. 

And when you know, not understand, but know that

Abundance Follows JOY… 

Well, you’re all in with more JOY, are you not?

Because seriously,
Who doesn’t need more JOY..?

Now more than ever before. 


So then the real question becomes…

When Will You Be Ready To Step Into The Opportunity 
To Fully Transform Your Inspired, Creative Self 
And Become Crystal Clear 
On Your Passion And Purpose
By Using Your Unique-to-You Voice?

Finding Your Voice

Be it through writing, speaking

Or another artistic medium, 
Finding Your Voice is so needed 
In this world. 

For you to go one more day believing 
You aren’t good enough 
Would be a crime.

For you to keep pondering 

What could I possibly have to say?
Would be a sin.

For you to sink into the black hole of
Who would even listen to me anyway?

Is nothing more than an excuse to never begin…

And you’re better than that.
You’re here, are you not?

You are not a mistake. 

Made in error.
You are not broken
Needing to be fixed

And I Can Say Those Words
Till I’m Blue In the Face… 

But until you choose to KNOW them and own them as your truth, 
You will stay, spinning on the hamster wheel of 

Isn’t there more to life than this?

More to Jill with Jill R Stevens

Because I know
you are here for a reason.

On this page reading
And alive at this moment in time.

I know, as my body knows how to instinctually take its next breath, that there are people out there, 

one hundred, 
one thousand, 
one hundred thousand, 
one million people

Who need to hear Your Voice…

And even 1 million people is
A small drop in the bucket,
A total possibility 
when you add up the 7.9 billion souls 
who walk this planet 
at any given moment. 

Close your eyes
for just a moment
and imagine…

How many people need to hear from you for you to believe you are good enough?

For you to feel worthy?

Take in a deep breath 
and consider the freedom of simply knowing
you are enough,
you are worthy,
simply because you are alive.

Sink in with me for a moment and consider how it would feel to open your eyes and enjoy a yummy, long stretch… 

Excited and deliciously-energized to greet a new day.

To sink into a knowing that all is perfectly aligned,
your natural state now

A knowing, 
beyond a shadow of a doubt, 
of your purpose, 
your calling, 
your path,
your voice.

Because you now know you
Deeply, Completely, Fully

Owning Your Voice With Jill

And you love yourself

Which has allowed you to
find your voice
Let go of the shame, the blame. . .
The fear of judgement

And begin to own your words,
To Speak them
Possibly Write them
And Fearlessly Honor them.

Your Smile Widens

For you know your next steps 
Like you know the face 
staring back at you in the mirror each day…

You know the direction you desire to go. 
You are clear, focused and feel such ease and peace.

Because you trust yourself unequivocally.

This you flows like the finest of silk along your skin — delicious.  

The gratitude you feel for this day is so profound
you pause for a bit and drink in the bliss that is silence

No longer afraid of the quiet
No longer hearing that inner critic
No longer spinning in your head…
Nor hiding in your bed.

Enter this moment with purpose

You know this day will be amazing…

As you enter it with so much
purpose, passion, grace
and a dash of JOY.

Your feet hit the cool tile 
or soft rug 

And your toes take a moment to curl, 
as there is no rushing, no stressing, 
no ache in the pit of your stomach

Demanding that you
strive, prove, perfect or work harder
to achieve something outside yourself….

There is nothing but the delight you feel, 
at no longer being in the never-ending-spin-cycle of life. 

There is nothing but a shiver of JOY, 
as you draw in a deep breath 
and sink into gratitude 
at the abundance you know is yours… 

The ease with which all flows your way…. 

From answers,
to ideas,
to clarity,
to profits…
to such profound peace

You no longer identify yourself as
lost, stuck, unclear, frantic

Get on A Clarity Call with Jill Now

But As Empowered,
Powerful, JOYful…

Why? Because you gifted yourself, you — the perhaps secret creative within —  the best investment ever.

A JOYful Connection
with a Master of All things JOY.

A Clarity Call with The JOYful Writer who intimately understands the power of the words we say, think, believe, repeat, share, write, speak.  

One who has been where you are and found a way through to the other side…

The island where
Abundance Follows JOY

And understands deeply that
Creating Your Most Delicious Life
is an everyday Journey Of You

A Clarity Coaching Call is an Experience 
And it’s not for everyone


For let’s face it…

much like reading this wordy-invitation
to work with me one-on-one is an experience

Working with me is also an investment
not simply another coaching call.   

It’s that golden opportunity to bring together all the pieces of the puzzle that may have had you stuck in your life,
in your writing or creativity,
in finding your voice…
And simply speaking your mind… 

Imagine knowing exactly what you want to say and how to clearly articulate it. 

If that sounds absolutely delicious,
then keep reading…

If not, that’s okay,
this isn’t for you and it’s time to move on…

Know Thyself

That’s the brass-tacks, 
most important key 
If you desire to succeed at this thing called life…

And actually begin Creating Your Most Delicious Life.

Finding your voice, no longer hiding your light 
and becoming crystal clear on your path in this moment, 
along with choosing the right words 
and best story to support your forward momentum…

That’s what I’m all about… 

This one hour literally has the power, when you allow, to jumpstart your ability to succeed and create that clarity which has – perhaps – been lacking…

Like it has for so many writers, creatives, clients-of-mine..

One hour can get you unstuck
in the creation of what you desire and provide clarity on your vision. 

One hour can be transformational
and propel you to soar higher than you ever have before. 

Just how high you want to go and just how much of an impact you wish to make on this world is your call… 

And it all starts with this —

A JOYful Connection,
A Clarity Call
That 60 minutes
where you press pause
and sink into the
Journey Of You

When You’re Ready For Clarity
And to Stop The Spin
& Start Creating
Your Most Delicious Life

You’ll dive into possibility with me.
Because this is how I serve,
when I’m not writing words
that impact the heart, soul and energy
of all who enJOY them.

Or rescuing baby goats!

Moo Baah
baby girls
Lucky B with Jill

What Would No Longer Waiting
For Someday 

To Be That Version Of You You’ve Put Off Being
Out Of A Sense Of Duty
Or Those Should Have Thoughts
Truly Mean To You?

Letting Go Of The You
Where Adulthood Comes First
And That Which You Love
Takes A Backseat.

What would being
crystal clear…
On that idea…
That project…

Those words you want to say…

That novel you want to write…

That course that’s within you…

That dream you’ve never shared with another…

Give you…

Imagine stepping into the real you,
The one that’s been hiding out,
Perhaps like I was, in plain sight…

Your Time Is Now… To Step Into
The Journey Of You,
Access Your Delicious Slice of Sunlight
And the Clarity You Desire

When You Do – Magic

When You Sink Into Knowing
Your Life Is a Series of…

Next Moments…

Now Actions,
Abundant Choices
And will reach up to support you in all ways…

When you start to know you,
find and own your voice

No longer hide in plain sight,
strive to get it right,
judge yourself so harshly…
move forward only to retreat-retreat-retreat.

Ahh, life gets seriously delicious
when you exist in that space

Of Knowing You
Loving You
Honoring You

And all it takes is clarity.
And a dash or two of JOY!

When you are aligned and in flow,
you will no longer
resort to being stuck again.

If You Want Some of That,
It’s Time to Say Hell-To-The-Yeah!
And Schedule Your JOYful Clarity Call Today

My Schedule Is Deliciously
Limited For A Reason

I only desire to work with serious, inspired individuals, those who tend to be Closeted Creatives, and do not buy into the story of the starving artist, and instead are interested in investing in themselves.

In fact, this session with me, for most of my amazing clients is pennies in a bucket, as they live from a place of abundance and 100% possible, 100% of the time.

And they know so much more will flow to them the moment they are crystal clear on what’s got them stuck.

I offer limited coaching spots each week

And once they are full, it may be a few weeks before you can jump on this Jill Train and book an available day. 

I share that so you know this is the best moment — the moment you are here and are called to still be reading these words. There are no accidents as to why you are on this page right now.

You Desire Clarity On Something
That’s Got You Bottlenecked 

Or Spinning, Stuck And Desiring A Different Path, Do You Not? 

You’re tired of the old stories rolling around in your head wanting you to believe that this life you’ve carved out is enough, even when you just know there is more…

You no longer want to spin in doubt or feel afraid or like you’re missing out on your purpose, dharma… 

You want more JOY in your life, damn it! (insert foot stomp here)
But you’re totally stuck on the how to make that happen.

Or you want to write that book already and you just don’t even know where the heck to begin. 

So schedule now while you know you want more
than the never ending list of ideas, 
those to-dos hold you hostage yet again… 

Now, while you’re aware that who you really are
is often pushed aside
to be who you think you should be...

And the lack of clarity that’s perhaps got you up late wondering just what to do next to move yourself forward… 

For greatest impact. 

See most of my time is spent writing and creating myself, or working with my elite clients.

And maybe that is you…

A Little Known Secret…

I am often hired by an author’s representation or house, when there’s a pending deadline, and all-hell-is-breaking-loose in the writer’s mind. 

Writer’s block, it’s a real thing. 

And Life Block, well, that’s what I call the proverbial white wall of indecision.

Much like the spin cycle on a front loading washer that’s simply got too much soap. 

How much longer are you going to suffer on that round-and-round-we-go spin, weighed down by all-the-thoughts or that madness-flash of indecisiveness?

If you’re like most closeted-creatives and visionaries, you’ve been there, and now is the time to climb the hell out and focus on discovering your truth, your voice, your words, yourself… 

For when you do,

Lock In Your Date Now 
And Allow The Worry To Fade Away
And A Funnel of JOYful Favor To Begin It’s Spin

Who Am I To Say All This?

My Name Is Jill And I Was The Stuck Queen
A prolific writer and creator, at times
I’d spin so many ideas yet never implement a one
Until I discovered the Clarity that comes with true JOY

Creating Impact

If it wasn’t for a partnership with a woman I call “agent” and friend, my words for myself and for others may never have seen the light of day or been placed in the hands of those they impact.

And that is simply unacceptable.

To be so selfish as to not share your gifts with those waiting to hear from you.

Because choosing
to stay stuck
is just that.

You are here for a reason. You have purpose.

And as you are still reading, I know you have a passion to
say something,
create something,
be something more than you are currently being.

AND The JOYful Clarity Coaching Experience Call is perfect for you as you are still reading, are you not?

Perhaps you’re engaged, as it takes an interested mind to stay on a page this long and absorb the profound message within these lines.

And just so we’re clear, A JOYful Clarity Call is not perfect for those who don’t take action, are addicted to their spin, want all to be a struggle or are caught in every-day-drama — instead of keeping it where it belongs — between the pages of a book that earns you bank!

When you’re ready to Find Your Voice, Reclaim Your JOY, and sink into Creating Your Most Delicious Life…

Well, I’m your gal…

And by now… if you know you know, so apply now, it’s 1-2-3 easy.

How We Roll…

1. Click the button to Complete the Application Questionnaire
(a detailed form to guide me in serving you)

2. Choose Your Best Date On My Calendar

3. Pay for Your JOYful Clarity Coaching Experience Call…

Then check your email inbox for your welcome message
(and receipt)

Literally, it’s that simple.

And when you know Now Is Your Time,
simply click the button above to get your JOYful clarity on!