The Proven Path to Penning
That Captivate and Sell in Just 33 Days
Imagine for a moment . . .just 33 days from now . . .
The sky is still dark—a track of not-yet-dawn light breaking the stars apart and adding a hint of blue.
Coffee brewed or tea already poured, you’re at the ready.
This is your special time. Your creative time.
Sitting before the just-booted computer screen—the blank page awaiting those first words from you.
The cursor blinks once, twice, and you—fingers to keys—begin.
You do what you do. You write.
Fingers racing across the keys as words, ideas, characters—a story—what's been within you floods onto the page.
You are no longer waiting, asking for permission, wondering if you can . . .
You are no longer stuck, spinning in "not enough time", thinking it's all been said before.
No, you are a writer.
So you write.
And it feels utterly amazing. Down right delicious.
As page after page, you allow what's in you to spill forth onto the page.
Is that the storyteller you desire to be?
The one who wakes up early, goes to bed late and writes.
Why? Because you must!
Imagine how empowering, impactful it would be to no longer hem and haw.
No longer think or bemoan—maybe one day or when I have time, I’ll write.
If I was a betting girl, I’d bet you’d like to be the inspired you who sits down and writes allowing words spill forth unchecked.
And they do—easily.
The You who has accomplished the very thing you have desired for so long.
The You who has always wanted to share a story,
to impact people by making them feel—
something, anything.
The You who knows this is just the beginning.
The You who has more stories to tell, books to write.
This feeling—it’s an all-natural high. Published.
Just sink into that word,
the sound it makes as you utter it out loud.
Savor it.
I’ve been there. Wondering if, when, could it ever happen for me.
Going from telling stories, penning stories, to HELL YES, PUBLISHED!
And it all started for me with crafting a magnetic short story.

Hey there,
my name is Jill
I’ve personally written 44 books and successfully ghostwritten more than that for others.
I’ve consulted and coached novice authors from a seedling of an idea to a full novel realized . . .
And helped seasoned pros who lost their mojo,
somewhere between book two and three—or eight and ten—shift gears on their belief systems and rev up that creative flow again.
Here are what a few of my students have had to say about me over the years as I’ve helped them bring their writing to life.
What I can share with 100% certainty is that the key to my success, the very thing that has allowed me to escape the average-life, have extraordinary experiences, meet amazing people, write remarkable tales for myself and others . . .
And now live my childhood dream on a tropical island while rescuing baby goats (a new dream) . . .
. . . is the ability to tell a magnetic story.
And I can tell you a secret that most authors, instructors, professionals maybe don’t want you to know—it’s not hard to do.
BUT only if you know exactly what to do, what to avoid and have the right support to get you there.
It’s very natural, normal even, to ruminate on an idea for years, decades, never once putting pen to paper, fingers to keys.
Maybe sharing with a few friends—the excitement of your writing plans. But then soon, those asks of “how’s that book coming?” steam roll in, leaving you feeling . . .
Perhaps you already know how that question makes your gut clench, shoulders round when you’ve not done more than think about that one-day, some-day dream.
It’s so easy to stay hidden, writing in your own solo-universe and never sharing, never knowing if what you’ve put down on paper is good enough.
From Average to Extraordinary
If you’ve ever spun in the perpetual undone of a dream that involves writing a book, a short story, being able to shout those words—
I’m a published author! . . .
I hear you and have news for you.
There is a process I’ve taken more than 1,000 souls through, after all my word-experience, that works like gangbusters.
It has worked for new, fresh voices who’ve never written a thing—
And for those who’ve published time and time again but suddenly hit that sophomore speed bump.
But the process of writing magnetic stories that get noticed, that sell, that captivate a reader-crowd . . .
It works best when you’re held accountable.
My methods tend to spark something creative in those who listen, who are held accountable.
Who stop getting in their own way.
And this is why I’ve decided to teach this method, this process of telling magnetic stories—
A process that all but guarantees that every single person writes a publishable short story that can easily trigger a full-length novel, as it did for me . . .
and all within 33 days, even if you’ve never written a word.
Or tried a time or two and failed.
Introducing . . .
The 33 Day
Magnetic Storytelling
A Deliciously Interactive Event
Where You Will Discover the Proven Path
to Penning Stories That Captivate and Sell
(Even if you’ve never written a word before!)
We start on Monday with your very first Day 1 email.
Every Monday-Friday for 33 Days, you will receive an email from me.
Each email will include a lesson, inspiration and an action step to further your word-craft.
That’s thirty-three days of step-by-step instruction and action steps.
The exact step you need to take each day for 33 days emailed to your inbox so you never feel lost or off track.
No stress. No confusion. Just the steps to take each day with the weekends free to “catch up” should you need extra time.
Each email has built in accountability so you stay focused and on point day after day, no matter what life tosses at you!
Support so you feel connected on what often seems like a solo journey.
Accountability so you stay focused and on point day after day no matter what life throws at you!
The Secret Sauce that guarantees you’ll go from so-so or no-words-at-all to magnetic storyteller in 33 days. (It’s never failed my clients which is why I’ve been hired to word-coach published authors for more than a decade).
Here’s how it works.
What do you need to do?
Check your inbox daily.
Open the email from me.
Follow the simple, straightforward directions.
It’s as simple as that. A easy-to-follow, step-by-step approach that will take you to your Point B—an ability to tell magnetic stories that captivate the hearts of readers.
And make you an unstoppable creative!
So let’s get real for a moment.
What’s it costing you NOT to invest in your desire to write?
I could charge an arm and a leg for this 33 Day Magnetic Storytelling Challenge because some of the things I plan to reveal inside have been used to enable published authors to go on and produce another New York Times Bestseller, when they thought they had nothing left to write.
But even more importantly, if I’m being utterly transparent here, this material I’m sharing has helped unheard of non-writers become published authors of short stories, novellas and even full length novels in just 30, 60, 90 days.
And that’s why right now you can get started with The 33 Day Magnetic Storytelling Challenge for only $99.
Yep, that’s your investment. A savings of $400—when you act now.
If you know you’re worth it, let’s do this together. I’m all in, how about you?
What is your dream of writing worth to you?
I know that not having written that story, that book that’s been burning within you to come out is costing you more than money.
It’s costing you TIME.
Your time is precious, priceless and invaluable.
And if you wait, yet again,
for a better time, the right time,
that price tag on the loss
of not investing in your dream
to becoming a magnetic, published author—
that comes at an insurmountable cost.
Lost time. Missed opportunities.
Gone and impossible to get back.
You have something to say.
You have a voice, you don’t have to find it, you simply need the skills I have in spades to help you hone it into something so magnetic, so extraordinary people will stop to read your words.
You are here to IMPACT people, to do amazing things and when you can write magnetic stories, when you can make your dream of being Published! come true . . . well, that’s when you start making a massive difference for others.
Isn’t it time you write something that matters?
This is your time.
If you’re ready to write Magnetic Stories
that captivate the reader and make impact,
you know what to do.
Class starts Monday!
All Rights Reserved © 2025 by Jill R. Stevens