Jill’s Everything(ish) Page
Because it should be easy to find that which may help, inspire or serve you today.
This page is inspired by a fabulous lady, Lizzy, who has a delicious accent and teaches a course on this very topic.
Be sure to bookmark this page and return. We update offerings monthly. Prices listed are USD.
A 16-minute mediation I use myself and have given to coaching clients for years that works to immediate get one into a creative flow state. This audio triggers the subconscious mind to instill lasting shifts that will make you more prolific the more you press play.
Learn More → $33 USD
If you’re anything like the old me, there are certain conversations or things that were said long-long ago that stick with you.
If you’ve ever replayed something on a loop, thinking how you could have, should have responded, this eleven minute audio will help you finally, for-good, let go.
When you let go, live becomes so much more delicious.Learn More → $33
The ultimate gift you can give yourself, not others, is forgiveness. Forgiveness of others never means you forget or repeat patterns, it means you free yourself to live, to thrive, to enJOY life.
This short audio meditation, when played day after day, can show you the path to forgiving those who hurt you long ago—intentionally or not—so you can be free to live fully.
In addition, this audio has a powerful path to self-forgiveness. All the time lost, dreams unfulfilled . . . when you forgive yourself you will see a remarkable change in just what’s possible.Learn More → $33
A short read, this title is a path to adding more JOY into your day immediately. When you do, all changes. Give it a read today—you won’t regret it.
Find on Amazon → $.99 USD
The first book I published in my name, this title has numerous 5 star reviews on Amazon that may inspire you to read it.
A series of essays, stories, JOYful shares, you can snack on this treasure of words when you have five minutes or indulge for an hour of you-time over a mug of tea.
It’s a book to be savored and returned to for inspiration and dash of JOY.
Available on Amazon →
Coming in early 2025.
An interactive journal and companion to my first title published under my name, Create Your Most Delicious Life.
New essays and pages to purple pen your JOY, this is a more than a journal, this is a way to rewrite your stories and sink into a most delicious life.
Join the waitlist →
Spend an hour with me on Zoom, face to face, digging into all things JOY or whatever it is you desire to work on.
My calendar for calls is limited and I may nix this offer in 2025 . . . so if you’re interested in this opportunity to work closely with me, grab it while you can.
On Writing
If you want to become more prolific or finally start and finish that book that’s been inside you for years, decades even—this book will show you the way.
As an author of more than 60 titles, I wrote this to help those who struggle to start and/or finish.
Your story is worth telling, let me help you get it down so others can read it.
The 33 Day Magnetic Storytelling Challenge runs nearly seven weeks with me as your guide, emailing you Monday through Friday, for 33 days.
Each weekday, an email to inspire, a lesson to motivate and examples to guide you will be delivered and all you must do is put eleven minutes on the clock and begin.
Join me, class starts Monday. And if you’re lucky, you’ll get $400 off the ticket price when you click this link.
If you are enrolled in the challenge above, imagine what it would be like to have someone read each and every word you write during the entire 33 day event.
That’s what this UPGRADE gives you, my feedback throughout the challenge. Meaning, I reply to each and every email you send to me—when you hit reply from the daily challenge emails.
Now I do read responses of all [3MSC} entires and at times I do respond. But I can’t possible reply to each one, so the LIVE Feedback options is how I can support you personally on this fall-in-love-with-writing journey.
Typically the invitation lands at your door after the first week inside, but here on this page, you can access.
You must have purchased The 33 Day Magnetic Storytelling Challenge to buy this upgrade.
When you want to have all thing things right at your fingertips. This is a compiling of each email, lesson and example given in The 33 Day Magnetic Storytelling Challenge.
If you’re inside the Challenge, you can pick up a copy of this toward the end for $44.
If you want to want to dive in, but prefer a reference guide instead of a daily delivery (that tends to build a habit, just saying)—you can grab a copy today for $88.
This is a delicious path to asking me anything. I am literally an open book.
If you don’t know, Voxer is an app, much like a walkie-talkie voice feature where you can record messages and send them off.
Plus you can text, send images, GIFS, whatever you need to connect and get the delicious “downloads” you need.
A delicious dose of accountability, when you’re inside this secret society mastermind, you receive an email from me each Friday for twelve weeks.
Your job, hit reply with your word count and you’ll be amazed how many words you actually write!
A Creative Clarity Call is an experience that revolves around your creative desires and goals. Want to pick my brain about writing, publishing, editing or share some of your words—brilliant.
If you desire a deep dive into what’s holding you back from sharing your gifts, your creativity, telling the story that’s within you, this is where I have been told I excell.
For those inside 3MSC (The Challenge), you can move into this class that’s part video and supplemental emails for $333. Reach out to support@jillrstevens.com if you’d like to access this sooner.
Not inside The Challenge but want to know all the ways your words can make bank?
This is the path, and you can check it out at the link below.
I’ve compiled it all (four weeks of emails and story-shares in one PDF document) and give you access to The Masterclass video so you can dive in today.
Other Goodies
If you’re a writer or have a business, social proof is a powerful thing to harness. In this guide, I share scripts templates to help you do just that.
This is a new trial run, taking a Day of Voxer and extending it for a Monday-Friday week.
Check out all the details on the Open Book Day of Voxer Sales page right here.And if interested in a WEEK, scroll the very bottom and the very last line. Click on that link to Book Your Very Discounted Open Book Week of Voxer with me.
But shh, I’m not really advertising this because when word gets out and people start booking, I’ll have to double, if not triple my rate.
Learn More →