Raise A Ruckus

A bonus read for all
as we all need
a bit more JOY in our lives

Hen’s celebrate each time they lay an egg.

Did you not know this? I did not. Not until recently…

They raise a ruckus, squawking and sometimes flapping their wings, ruffling their feathers and getting ALL THE OTHER HENS to join in the celebration… of them. 

Why is this important? 

It’s about learning to celebrate ourselves. 

What we love, we take a moment to recognize, to celebrate and to honor. 

I Encourage You To Celebrate Your Wins Today. 

What have you noticed, big or small, since you started sinking into knowing yourself better, loving yourself more that you can CLUCK about in this safe space? 

Learning to celebrate you is a GIFT. 
Learning to sing your praises is a COMING HOME.
Learning to celebrate yourself is the DEEPEST FORM OF LOVE.

Love of self.
Love of who you are BEing. 
Love of how you are showing up.

AND a letting go of even more stories and bullsh*t that you perhaps absorbed like I did. 

It’s “bad” to celebrate yourself.
It’s “selfish” to be happy for yourself.
It’s “wrong” to pat yourself on the back.
It’s “ego-driven” to acknowledge your wins. 

Well, I say it’s “bad”, “selfish”, “wrong” and “ego-driven” to NOT love yourself. 

To not STEP into your slice of sunlight…
To not raise your arms, tilt your face to that spotlight and SHINE...
To not dance and twirl and FEEL that celebration in every F-ING CELL of your body. 

Life IS a Celebration.
Of moments.
THIS moment. 

When you tap down, turn off and refuse to celebrate yourself,
you rob others of the opportunity to KNOW you,
to experience your JOY… 

I have spent 30+ years never celebrating my wins… 
Did you catch that? 

My accomplishments — never spoken of.
My books published — never shared. 
My work with “stars” — never spoken of.
My words, now sung, — never known. 


Because I had a story that celebrating ME…
Putting myself out THERE publicly…
Would result in pain…
Was “wrong”...


I created a life to support my stories, my beliefs...
And limited myself the natural right to celebrate.

If you can relate, what’s it costing you?

My time going inward has shown me I can shed that sh*t story that
Celebrating Me Equals Selfish as a lie I was told by a well-meaning adult. 

Did it serve me? Yep.
Does it now? Nope.
Stepping out. 
Stepping up. 
Stepping in...
Letting go.

Celebrating me FEELS SO F*CKING orgasmic.

Why not try it on today..?
What’s the worst that could happen..? Seriously! 

If a hen knows INSTINCTIVELY to celebrate her accomplishment — Yes, laying a flipping egg is an accomplishment! — allow that instinct to return to you today. 

All it takes is a willingness to show up
As you.
Full Stop.
100% real.

When you’re worth it
When you know you are enough
You will show up for you 
And love you
And celebrate you.

Step into the power of celebrating yourself, 
of fully loving you, 
of totally honoring you... 
not for the external praise, 
but simply because you KNOW you matter.

Allow your flock-of-choice family to flap a collective wing with YOU today…
What do you CHOOSE to celebrate?

Share below. I’d like to know.

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Jill R. Stevens

I am an author, a coach, a newly blooming goddess, and aserial entrepreneur. Words and I have always engaged in an intimate dance, and through the art of stories I share big ideas, offer pause-worthy mind-edibles, and drip what many would call “life advice”...but I simply call it truth. My truth. If it resonates with you, stick around, have a look-see. And if it doesn’t, no harm, no foul. Some people say I’m woo woo. Other people say my words changed their life. Read on and decide for yourself.


Becoming Your Alter Ego


Reacting Versus Sinking Into Awareness