The JOYFul Writer

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Giving Myself the Gift of Self-care: How My Home Finally Got Its Heart

When was the last time you gave yourself a gift? 

Tis' the season, as the saying goes. 

I was reading an article from a client, who’s also a colleague and friend. An awesome dude from Down Under who sent out an email to his list asking that very question. 

It made me press pause for a second as I have gifted others so much. 

From my mentor to my coach, to pulling off my JoLo hoops and handing them over to a lady who loved them so much and asked to “try them on” 

I have always loved to give.

When the voice within says, give those now.
I listen. And do.

When the voice within shouts, this person needs this from you.
I hear it and act.

Yet, I didn’t always. Listen. Act.

To that voice that said, Give that man with the dog, sitting there huddled up and obviously without a home, the last $20 in your wallet. 

When I’d walk by and not listen, the ache I felt was deep, profound. 

Disappointment in self, perhaps. 

And it just hit me how often I have walked past my own self.
My own inner call to
slow down,
take ten,
write that other book,
finish that damn kitchen,
dance more. 

Yet, when it comes to giving myself an important thing,
like a working kitchen,

much like not listening to that call
to hand over my last $20 bill . . .

I haven’t always listened.

And in fact, I haven't for the last three and a half years. 

Instead, I made it a joke. 

Not having a kitchen. Using a skillet, a hotplate and roughing it.

I mean people do that everyday.
I’m thankful, damn it.

Suffering in my laughing silence. 

I made not having a full-kitchen an excuse.
To go to my favorite island restaurants. 

A pathway to not taking the most delicious care of myself. 

Head. Meet. Desk. Hard

The heart of the home,
most would say,
is the kitchen. 

Is it not? 

It’s where the family gathers. 

Where food is prepared and nurturing takes place. 

Where intentionality can play with day-to-day tasks
like washing (friggin’) dishes. 

Where loving of self resides

in a physical sense,

with that prepared plate of food . . . 

With time spend in conversation with another

over that cup of tea . . . 

Where the nurturing of self

begins and grows


Yet, for me, not having a kitchen—

tossing the years gone by without as a joke.


Making the building of goat houses, 

walls and fences 

more important,

than creating a space for myself,

a space that nurtures me— 

now that makes me go hmmm for a hot second. 

Thanks to that wake up call of an email from my Aussie friend. 

And I’m tickled purple to share that I have an almost working kitchen as of Saturday at 4PM island time. 

And by the time I hit publish on these words, the sink should have running water and thankfully I’ll be back to washing dishes out of a lush space and not a bucket filled with tepid water. 

Or too-small half-bath sink where more water ends up on the floor. 

And what perfect timing. . .

to set my end of year up with a space where selfcare is easy. 

Where the nourishment of me is a given, 

not an afterthought, 

never again a maybe, if able. 

How often do we do that? 

Put ourselves last, put our care off for some other day. 

Well, I say no more!

Once that stovetop is installed, and my new magnetic pots received, I’ll be cooking up a storm. 

Not to overindulge but to feed my soul. 

To do a thing I love. 

A thing that fills me with such JOY. . . 

So long denied. 

How silly to deny myself that which makes me smile and feel oh-so good inside.

I betcha you can relate. 

And it please me to no end to already have a line of those who want a home-cooked meal from little old me already forming. 

Starting with my two amazing installers who did the work of creating this beautiful space over a three day period

and left me with a mountain of stone-dust to sweep up. 

Can’t be helped and I tell you what . . . 

I’m sweeping and cleaning and rearranging with such gratitude and JOY that even the dirt is being blessed as it exits my cottage door. 

So let me ask you, what are you giving yourself as we round out this year? 

It’s time to give yourself a gift of NOW 

not wait for January 1st to roll around. 

What one thing can you gift yourself that will change all? 

My kitchen, 

the heart of my little island cottage, 

that’s going to change so much for me. 

In fact, it already has. 

And I love it. 

And I love me. 

Can you say the same? 

Let me know in a comment below. 

If that question gives you pause,
if you can't say (yet) those all important words, I love myself!,
it might be time to see yourself more clearly.

A Clarity Call with me is your chance to deep-dive into you.

Apply now and if you dare to before the end-of-year
use the code MOREJOY to receive my gift to you. 

One Hour Does Have The Power To
Open Doors & Transform Your Life

Photo Credit: freestocks