The JOYFul Writer

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paint by word — a sneak peek into Create Your Most Delicious Life

The more power in a system, the more work it can do. 

Add fuel to the gas tank, you can go go go

Eat healthy foods, your body will feel and be strong, powerful, able to best support you.

The mind requires fuel, too. What feeds your mind? 


Specifically, the ones you tell yourself over and over again. 

If you're feeding your brain tales of lack, of I can't, of victim-is-me, don't be surprised when that's all you experience. 

What you feed grows. 

I share more about how words fuel your reality and paint your life in my upcoming book, Create Most Delicious Life

Let's dive into a little sneak peek here . . . 

paint by word

When you think, the universe listens. 

When you speak, the universe hears.

When you ask, the universe responds. 

This is law. 

Don’t like the word universe? Sub in whatever resonates with you, for words are only words, yet the energy, your energy, behind those words does matter. 

Your words are your paint-by-numbers guide to creating all you desire in this life. See, you are more powerful than you can even begin to fathom. 

Heck, just one cell in our fabulous body has enough energy and know-how to power an entire aircraft carrier. 

I have a need . . . a need . . . for speed.” 

If you’ve yet to see Top Gun, please do, for me. There’s a sequel coming out more than two decades after the original even as I write these words. 

But the point is not flying fast planes
but that one of your cells is capable,
has the ability to, the energy to
power the entire ship
those jets land on. 

And when I say power that aircraft carrier, I’m not talking about just steering the boat but all the systems on said vessel. 

One of your trillions of cells can power the engines, the navigation, the communication coms, the many dozens of planes that take off and land, while also supporting a crew of more than 1,000 souls and seeing to all their needs. 

Can you even fathom that for a moment? 

One cell.
Just one.
Of your—too numerous to count—delicious cells
could run that, all of that. 

What power?! 

And yet, what are your cells, all of your cells, doing in a regular, average-Joe day? 

Besides naturally and effortlessly running all the systems of your body? 

Sitting stagnant.

Worrying. Wondering. Wishing.

Debating. Do-do-doing all the
perhaps not-so-important things.


Leaking, leaking, leaking
all the power you have in just one cell.

The infinite ability
to run such a magnificent,
complex structure as an aircraft carrier. 

If you but channeled the power, the energy, the intention of one cell. 

If you perfected, mastered
using your will . . . 

Even if it took a lifetime
of practicing the art . . . 

Never full obtained,
imagine what would be gained.

And yet, if you are like so many, you are unaware of just how much of your own abilities, power, essence circles the drain before you even fully start your day. 

Imagine if you stopped leaking your personal power and started to harness all the energy you are naturally granted in this amazing life. 

Saying no more to spinning negative stories . . . 

To people pleasing, caring what others think,
hating yourself, shaming your body,
focusing on another’s drama instead of your own delicious journey. 

If one of your beautiful cells can run such an intricate vessel parked in the middle of the sea where so many systems are being used simultaneously . . . 

Then what’s possible for you,
in your day-to-day life,
harnessing the power
of even half your fabulous cellular energy?

You, my friend, would be a force unstoppable.
You would be focused forward.

You would be a master storyteller of tales that support you in all systems go. 

You would focus on your delicious path. 

No distractions.
No more drama.

If You’re Ready For That
You’ll Want To Read My New Book

Post Photo Credit: Taelynn Christopher @taelynnmae