The JOYFul Writer

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Everyday Is An Opportunity

Words. They are my ALL.

And this lyrical side of my writing is new, yet not new to me.

It’s always been within, like the hum of a fridge down the hall.

It’s a beat that leaks out of me in moments of flow and sometimes erupts into words on the page worth sharing.

This is one such sharable moment because to see everyday as an opportunity is a powerful thing.
Dive in now and enjoy

Everyday Is An Opportunity.

A possibility.
Of your design. 
Of your choosing. 

No matter what life looks like
In this moment...
You have...

A choice
To be engaged...
To be happy…
To be at peace…
To be love...
To be grateful... 

How do you choose to be this day?
Who do you choose to BE?

You have the power to hit reset.
You have the ability to step into alignment.
You have it all WITHIN you.

Take a beat.
Draw in a breath.

For all is there for you... 
100% Possible... 
100% of the Time. 

I wrote these words and I believe it completely. 

I wrote this because I wanted to share the knowledge that I now have that my life is exactly as it is due to my own choices. 

All the good. All the bad. All the ups. All the downs. 

I wrote this to shine a light on a little talked about thing called responsibility. 
Personal responsibility. 
See I am 100% responsible for my life. 
As you are for yours. 

And thus, I am 100% responsible for the outcomes of my life. It’s a hard pill to swallow if our lives don’t look Insta-Fabulous
And when do they ever? 
For real. 
It’s more like Insta-Fake, is it not? 

It’s that pretending we have it all together. It’s that keeping up with the Jones. It’s that fake it till you make it mentality. 
It’s who we are at a core level. At our identity. 

This is all about the question my mentor poses, Who are you being? 

My mentor’s name is Jim Fortin and he’s a transformational coach at the identity level, where it all starts. 

So who am I being now that I have this new knowledge and take 100% responsibility for my life? 
I am being a woman not overcome by fear that runs abundant in our world, but instead at peace in the knowing that all is fine. 
I am being an individual who focuses on being of service to others through that which I am good at. My words

Instead of what can I get from this interaction? 
How much can I make? 
What’s in it for me?

I am being rooted and intentional with my time, energy and work. 
I am being grounded in healthy boundaries within my relationships. 
I am being graceful and loving with myself. 
I am being honoring of those I love. 
I am being grateful for all that is.

I am being a bad-ass-babe who sees opportunity everyday, all around and no longer runs after it. 

I am being a powerful force by focusing myself on my talents, my passion, my dharma. 

I am being a new version of myself each and every day, just as the sunrise is a fabulous new dawn....a delicious new opportunity. 

I am being a cosmic being humbled by all that is. Possible.

I am being grateful, cradled in the knowledge that all is fine, has always been fine and will always be fine. 

There is an awe in knowing that I am responsible for my life. For all that is in my life. 

There is a peace in knowing that I am responsible for what I think, what I say, what I do and the boundaries I create. 
There is a flow in knowing that I am responsible for all in my life, as all is a choice. 

I am responsible for knowing myself well enough to uncover my stories, my interpretations, my values and my deepest desires. 

I know what it’s like to not take responsibility, to cast blame, to feel shame, to hide and to stuff down all the feelings. 

I know what it is to miss opportunity or chase those that do not serve me.
I know what it is to not know myself…
To not know my purpose
To not know my path
To not know...

And I now know that
Everyday is an opportunity.
A possibility.
Of my design. 
Of my choosing. 
And I choose… 

Leave me a comment and start the conversation rolling. Tell me what YOU choose today, if you dare to step into being 100% responsible for your life. 

This is a judgement free zone. No judgement from me. No judgement from others and certainly no judgement from yourself… 

You have the power to hit reset.
You have the ability to step into alignment.
You have it all WITHIN you.

Take a beat.
Draw in a breath.


Photo Credit: Mohamed Nohassi @coopery