The JOYFul Writer

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This Year, Choose Intention Over Resolution

What if instead of setting a resolution come the end of this week, you set an intention for who you wish to be? 

My editor shared a convo about New Year’s Resolutions between her and her sister recently that made me so proud . . . 

and that I found so profound. 

The sister said: “I’m going to lose weight.”

Autumn, my editor said: “I’m going to be kinder to myself.”

Can I just say: Mic. Drop. Moment.

Consider what it would mean for you to be “kinder to yourself” or to “love yourself more deeply” or to “think only positive thoughts about your body, your life, your finances.”

Hot damn, but your entire life would change. 

When I started to intentionally think ONE thought, “I love myself” and say it on repeat mentally and out loud as needed. 

A hundred
A thousand 

times a day, my life changed. 

I didn’t focus on not eating sugar—as I once would have.

I didn’t focus on the extra weight I’d gained and should lose.

I didn’t focus on the ankle pain that creeps in every now and then from some injury I simply don’t remember. 

I didn’t focus on the thoughts of lack, of fear, of frustration of anything but 

“I love myself.”

That was my way of being “kinder to myself” and it worked. My life flipped on a dime and I started to wake up in love with each day— 

in love with me. 

Resolutions are all well and good when one has the habit in place to support the new way of being, however, what most of us know from experience is that we don’t. 

Have the habit(s) at the ready. 

To work out five days a week when we haven’t scheduled it in . . .

To eat healthy when we don’t yet track our food or know what’s healthy for us specifically . . . 

The path is forever lined with all the good intentions but is that enough to get one past January 19th and into seeing a change for the better?

Consider this:

I am _______ (to myself) in 2022. 

Now fill in the blank.

For Autumn, she naturally said “kinder” and once again I’ll say that’s profound. 

Imagine what all will change in her world when THAT intention is her sole focus. 

I am more loving to myself in 2022.

That works for me. 

I am impacting hundreds of thousands of people globally with my books in 2022. 

That also works for me. 

Now you. Share this blog and YOUR I AM in 2022 statement.

When you do, you begin co-creating your most delicious life. 

And who doesn’t want more of that! 

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Post Photo Credit: Nathan Dumlao @nate_dumlao