Clarity & Alignment Equal Powerful Messaging: Joe's Story [Part 3]

Joe’s story has captured minds, hearts and caused a flood of DMs I was not expecting, yet feel so blessed by. 

I also love the comments left and encourage you to share your thoughts after this and each of the three parts of this Joe-Focused series. 

It proves the power of story and that we love to see another succeed but even more importantly, reading about Joe allows others to see just what’s possible for them. 

So if you missed any of this story-time action, catch Part 1 here and the follow up Part 2. This is the wrap to Joe — for now. 

I won’t spoil it in the event you haven’t read all the deets, so go back to the beginning… 

And if you have already gotten your read on… grab that mug of tea, cup of Joe (ha!) and sit back to sink into just what comes to be when you live from 100% possible, 100% of the time

Bringing Clarity To Joe

In the last words of the previous read, I shared a statement that is worth repeating here to refresh your memory and get you too excited by possibility. 

Imagine What Would Be Possible
If You Went From Nada
To Clear Messaging In One Day

Can I give you the answer to this non-question statement?
Yes? Good.

See with clear messaging people can find you, people can fall in love with you, people can buy what it is you sell. 

With clear messaging you become the solution that fills the need someone has. 

But if they can’t find you, well — Everyone loses, do they not? 

Joe had no messaging online. 

For most of my life, I have had little to no messaging online. And what messaging I did have was disjointed, convoluted and simply not clear. 

For Joe, it was a matter of an established referral-based business and, until recently, lack of a need for something different. 

For me, it was a bit of the same. I’ve created two businesses all based on a model of referrals. One in writing/coaching work and the other in education. But for me, the issue went a bit deeper than it did for Joe.

I was a hider. 

One foot in. 
Three feet out — even when I only have two. 

And I see both myself and Joe represented in the clients I coach. Some are artists, writers, creatives simply into their craft and not sure how to navigate a word of being known. 

Others simply don’t think they are worthy. 

Both of those fit my bill. 

And others still simply didn’t know how to get their messaging across. It’s one thing to write a novel or a non-fiction piece, but to write one’s own words — own messaging — can be challenging. 

Now for Joe, his need is not new, but in our current times, it’s definitely a hot-button where as once it was simply an over sight. 

See Joe was comfortable in how he showed up in the world. 

He traveled less than half a dozen times a month. He spoke in other people’s meeting rooms, conferences and small stages. 

He received a fee and sold those in the room on a path to working more intimately with him.

He was well-received, well-paid and well-referred. 

And none of it online.

And it worked. 
Until it didn’t. 
Until travel came to a stand-still. 
Until meeting in groups became a concern. 
Until he realized it was time for a new approach. 

But for Joe, he thought that new approach was finally writing that novel he’d been dreaming of for a decade. 

Until things got back to normal. 
And then, he’d see. 

Well, as you read, Joe realized waiting for normal was a broken strategy. 
Much like no longer having an online platform wasn’t a smart choice. 
At least not for him. 

And he helped me see the light was well. As it wasn’t a working strategy for me anymore as well. 

And because I stepped out into the world — aligned — Joe was able to see just what was possible for him. 

Where In Your Life Could You Step Out? 

Where In Life Could Clarity Impact How You Show Up And Serve? 

Where In Life Are You Not Aligned? 

And this last is a powerful question, my friend. So impactful in fact, that I want to share just what happens when one steps into alignment. 

You may remember from Part 2 that Joe booked his My Words Your Day® VIP Experience, a one day intensive, less than 24-hours after I rolled it out on my very own site. 

Now Joe, he’s taking it a step further, as he’d like to go from zero to clear messaging in one day, with a virtual real estate home for all to reside on, created in a second day.

Did I mention Joe is ambitious?

And that’s where the creative in me gets excited! Because there is an artistic side of me that is a Jill-of-all-trades.

He saw this in me because when he asked who had done my new site, I could not tell a lie. I did. 

And could I do all that for him? For others? 


And then I circle back to that one word — alignment.

For now, Joe and I are focused on my words, which are my SuperPower, for his scheduled day and we’ll see where that leads. 

Clarity and focus should be considered best friends, if not soulmates

And I speak from experience when I say not having clarity leads to running after all-the-things. Which then leads to an utter lack of focus and that’s a killer. 

Perhaps you can relate..?

Thankfully, Joe got this message loud and clear. He’s focused on first things first — his messaging. And that’s what we will create absolute clarity on — first — during our day together because that is his true need once the excitement of all-the-things wears off.  

And as Joe is preparing for his day with me, I want to share what else is happening. 

It’s as if the floodgates opened and people came out of the woodwork. 

It’s as if interested individuals were simply waiting around virtual corners for me to get my own messaging out there. 

And it’s absolutely delicious… and I refuse to step into an old pattern of being uncomfortable about the sudden attention. 

See, I am receiving messages about my Schedule A Clarity Call Coaching work right and left.

I am being asked questions now about My Words Your Day®, VIP Experience. 

I am seeing interest… excitement and a desire for what I have to offer. 

This, Friend, Is The Power Of Alignment.

To have had a dozen people reach out in just five days. Interested individuals asking if it’s right for them.

And three didn’t wait for an answer but simply booked.

Again, the power of alignment.

Here’s what I know

If you feel called to someone, that’s your inner guidance, listen.

If you feel it’s right, stop all the doubting, questioning and lean in.

If you’re questioning, hit pause on your thoughts and get quiet.

I can’t tell you if a Clarity Coaching Call is right for you, just as who was I to say Joe didn’t need a My Words Your Day® VIP Experience.

No One Can Tell You What’s Best For You

So when you’re ready for your own dip into alignment, start asking yourself what it is you need, desire, want and then go all-in with that.

Because that right there is the magic of being aligned.

That right there is what comes with a deep-dive into clarity.

And it only comes when you listen to the voice within.

So I’m getting quiet with all of Joe’s wants and needs. And first things first, the focus is on putting My Words to his messaging needs.

And the rest will unfold as it should, either by referring him to others or by diving in if it feels right.

I’m going to document the process with Joe and with all my clients and begin to honor them and the work I do by sharing more of it so that it can inspire, just as my site, my messaging inspired Joe to take action.

Perhaps Joe’s story will inspire you.

I’ve spent a lifetime intentionally working on projects where I could not contractually step into my slice of sunlight to shine and that stops now.

Not to say I won’t still ghost write or collaborate on hush-hush projects. Not at all. I love serving in this way.

But from now on, I’ll step out and shine as me. Aligned.

And offer all that I do with full transparency, as that now feels so aligned, and so very right.

And Joe already sees what’s possible for him, now that I stepped up and into the spotlight of my talents. 

Just by looking at the alignment, I gave a home me, on my site. 

And that is proof right there that alignment is everything.

So this message is two parts.

Joe’s Story And The Message Underlying His As It Relates To You.

Maybe you're like Joe and don’t even realize there’s another way.

I’m here to say there is and it starts with My Words Your Day® VIP Experience or by Scheduling a Clarity Call.

And perhaps you're just like Joe and will desire even more.

Or perhaps you are waiting for the right time to put yourself out there.
To make an impact.
To serve.

To be the you that can reach one or one thousand.

Just like the former version of me.

If you’re waiting for permission.
Hold up.
Give it to yourself.

If you’re waiting for the steps.
They’ve already been given. 

If you’re waiting for alignment.
Press Pause.
It’s within you already.

And it’s so incredibly delicious!

If you're desiring clarity, there is a path.

Schedule a Clarity Call and let’s allow the aligned you out to play.

Your time is now. 

Join Joe, an amazing man, and total go-getter, and soon hundreds of others on a new way for working… My Words Your Day® VIP Experience, a one day intensive where my purple pen writes for you.

Or start by Scheduling A Clarity Call.

The choice is yours.

But imagine for a moment, words written for you that connect the dots of your passion and purpose so you can start being of greater impact.

Provided in one day.

Powerful, just the thought, is it not?

When you do, connect those dots, abundance naturally flows and your profits will too. 

This will happen for Joe. Very very soon.

This is already happening for me. Because I listened. Finally.

This can happen for you, too. 

Now is your time to become crystal clear and shine, is it not? 

Thank you for reading all of Joe’s story from his perspective and mine. 

Thank you for being on this journey with me. 

A journey I feel so very blessed to finally be completely, utterly aligned with. And I desire that for you.

If this share impacted you, please give this post a 💜 and leave a comment below with your biggest clarity moment. 

Finally, I’d request that you consider sharing this post or Part 1 on your own social channel. You never know who may be impacted by these words. 

One Hour Does Have The Power To
Open Doors & Transform Your Life

Jill R. Stevens

I am an author, a coach, a newly blooming goddess, and aserial entrepreneur. Words and I have always engaged in an intimate dance, and through the art of stories I share big ideas, offer pause-worthy mind-edibles, and drip what many would call “life advice”...but I simply call it truth. My truth. If it resonates with you, stick around, have a look-see. And if it doesn’t, no harm, no foul. Some people say I’m woo woo. Other people say my words changed their life. Read on and decide for yourself.

Conflicted To Aligned


My Words Your Day: Joe’s Story (Part 2)