I Am Aligned

I’m a word-nerd so I’m going to type and let what flows — flow.

Read this over a mug of tea or revitalizing smoothie… just whatever you do, GET THIS MESSAGE… as it’s for YOU.

After you do, you’ll see just why YOU being here, reading my words, at this time, is so very special and the path to THE ALL you seek…

Just is.

I could add FINALLY to the end of that, but that’s a judgement, is it not? 
I could say I’M SUDDENLY… but that’s another story missed in, is it not.

So I won’t, I'll simply repeat myself (hear me ROAR with JOY)


And the feeling so bloody divine, I can’t keep the smile off my face or the twinkle from my eyes.

Even the goats have shut the hell up to let me celebrate.

I have a Drama Q and his name is B… Hmm, guess he made himself Queen B, Haaaaayyyyy! — snap.
Just saying!  

Yet, this post isn’t about goats and it’s not even about me, because as you sink into this flipping message, you will find yourself realizing just what’s possible for you INSIDE these virtual walls…

→ When you slow down

→ Absorb the message laid out for you

→ Let go of the need to be 100% perfect at anything, even the learning part, even the getting it part and especially the alignment part!

→ Stop asking for permission or what to do next

→ Cancel your ticket to ExcuseVille and

→ Calendar in your growth time.

As that’s what this is… soul development and growth mixed with all things self love.

When you remember that… and that you are supported in all things but something greater than you…

That when you love you, you tolerate less,
When you love you, you stop the bullsh*t stories… 
When you love you, you take full responsibility for where you are in this moment
When you love yourself, you know 100% possible, 100% of the time is your new norm…

AND KNOW IN YOUR BONES that you too WILL be fully-completely-utterly ALIGNED when you so choose to be.

If you SO choose.
And it doesn’t have to take a year or even 6 months…
It can happen in an instant.
Now or 6 months from now…
Or whenever you ALLOW.

So sink in…
Stop pushing on the pull door of life, as I often say ....
And write.

Thanks to all that is,
I now FLOW… 
And I desire that for you.

Thanks to a newfound peace, I turned off all-the-other voices.
I learned to turn into MY inner voice.
And find my knowing.

Thanks to my instincts and my leaning in, my business is rocking, my profits are up 33% from last year, in a time of COVID19-yo!

(There are more thanks to give but I’ll keep this short and YOU focused!)

See my happiness, JOY and peace are a state I CHOOSE to sink into deeply...on the daily.
Thanks to all the learning and growth,
letting go,
doing less better
My SELF WORTH ACCOUNT is overflowing and larger than my multiple bank accounts.

What this last year, and my mentor and coach have taught me, is that you will never be ALIGNED until you sink into LOVING you.

What I have now is a set of DELICIOUS know that all is possible when I reside in peace, joy and the take moment for the pause…

The key here for me…
That I pass like a flaming torch to you…
Meaning comes from a place of BEING!

You will never go wrong when you step into more peace, JOY and absolute love of yourself.

And when you bring THAT beingness into your work, your relationship, your health… That is when ALIGNMENT presents itself to you like the best-gift-ever.

Because everything is energy!
I come to you today to share, confess, honor my NEW ALIGNMENT. 
I am a badass writer, author, published wordsmith and have been for 30 years. 
I am worth ALL-THE-PENNIES (okay, thousands) I charge and OWN that, FINALLY, PUBLICLY for the first-time-ever...
Because I love myself. 

I have been coaching creatives intuitively, successfully, quietly, for two decades… 

And now am able to proclaim, offer that and step fully into the IMPACT I have.
Because I love myself. 
And it took some time for me to get there. 
And that’s okay. 

Many of us want to be aligned, talk about being aligned but few actually put in the time, the silence, the pause UNTIL their back meets the wall or they get hit upside the head with a two-by-four. 

Allow THIS message to be the wake up call you need…(don’t wait for that 2x4).

Because I know you are already seeing just what more JOY by reading my words can do for you.
And THIS is just the beginning.
When you get out of your own way…

Have you not yet realized how blessed you are..?

Sink into gratitude for all that is - that is the golden key I’ll leave you with… 

Because being grateful for my new alignment and KNOWING It IS allowed me to register my FIRST new client under my new offer, new branding, new stepping-out-as-me self in just 24-hours! 

How about them apples?!?
Can I get a BOOM!?!

Wanna know what I’m talking about? Dive into my new homepage and follow the trail where it leads you…

I write these words as they hold the power to not only show you what’s possible but inspire, motivate and get you implementing in PERSONAL ALIGNMENT.

A place, space, and a way of BEING unique to you.

Photo Credit: Chansereypich Seng @sereypich27

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Jill R. Stevens

I am an author, a coach, a newly blooming goddess, and aserial entrepreneur. Words and I have always engaged in an intimate dance, and through the art of stories I share big ideas, offer pause-worthy mind-edibles, and drip what many would call “life advice”...but I simply call it truth. My truth. If it resonates with you, stick around, have a look-see. And if it doesn’t, no harm, no foul. Some people say I’m woo woo. Other people say my words changed their life. Read on and decide for yourself.


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