The JOYFul Writer

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What If Life Is Meant To Be Delicious…

Imagine For A Moment
You Were Excited To Face Each Day.

You Let Go Of The Need To Be Perfect, And Put Down All Those Spinning Plates.

Imagine if silence became your new bestie in life, and not something to run from. 

Imagine if you started to love yourself, like for real, and found a way to turn off the negative drip of that voice. . . You know the one. That critical sucker who’s been constantly telling you sh*t about yourself on a not-so-nice loop.

Imagine tossing that vinyl record out the window and plugging into a new world, a new way of being, that was better than your most comfy sweater that envelops you on the dreariest of days like the best hug — ever.

This happened to me, friend, and well, it was absolutely-f-ing divine.

I was once so sad, so depressed, so determined to figure a way out of the hell-that-was-my-life, that I forever ran. . .

To work, to endless hours, to long to-do
lists. . .

Always trying to escape — me.

Then I discovered a new way, a new path of a road so less traveled by my flip-flops til recently. . .

And I’m Writing About The Journey… 

Sharing what’s possible, and loving this new delicious way of being.

I’ve Been A Writer Of Words For A Very Long Time

Successfully so.

Sticking to the shadows like a ghost, working behind the curtain to point the most brilliant of wordy-spotlights on another, and loving every second of that supporting role. 

The excitement of a new project, new topic, new person to collaborate with was, well, addicting. And somehow safe. 

I was able to become a new version of me, quietly, with every word I wrote for another. 

It was like a personal secret you can giggle about, at any time, because no-one-else-knows.

But the common theme, the one that no longer serves my soul, is to remain behind the skirt (or pant leg) of another. See, while not exactly scary, it is a new feeling, to step boldly into the spotlight-of-me, and attach my name to my words. 

To Finally, Freely, Publicly Write As Me…

. . .for the very first time since, well, my school days.

To kick perfect to the curb,
stand in my perfectly imperfect creations — and skin — 
and choose to shine. 

Because that’s what we’re meant to do here, on this trip around the sun.

To shine bright like a diamond. [sing it Rihanna]
To chase our joy without stress, free of judgment and not worry about that critical voice within. 
To impact others, the world, and ourselves with the gift we’ve been given.

My gift comes in the form of words. And yep, you can read this and think —
Damn, girl, tooting your own horn much? 

And my response, now, after much work on me is —
Yep, I sure as sh*t am!
And I’m so proud I finally can. 

See, Words Are My SuperPower. 

And the mistaken belief we have left over from childhood 
or the classroom 
or that bully who tormented us 
or the misguided parental figure 
who shushed us.

Told us that it was somehow wrong to acknowledge and celebrate what we’re good at… 

...what I’m good at. 

Well, I kicked that crap to the curb, too.

I choose to live my life my way, by my design, no longer asking for permission, no longer toning it down to fit in, and certainly not hiding so that I can stay small.

Nope, This Is Me.
Joyful, Playful,
And Constantly
Laugh-Out-Loud Fun. . .

Hear Me Word-Roar.

I choose to silence that critical voice that used to worry about others really seeing me. And instead, say bring it.

Instead, I write and invite you to pull up a chair, grab a cup-o-joe, and visit with me awhile. 

I’m not here to make you like my words. 
I’m not here to be your best friend -- although that could happen as I’m super lovable
I’m not here to please you.
I’m not here to say all the right things.
I’m not here for acceptance
not even money. 

I’m here, writing, for me. 

I’m here to be me, do me and if you like, well, fabulous. If you don’t, click away. It’s all good. We are blessed with free will and choice. 

And I choose to do what I love and know that the rest will take care of itself. 
I choose to write my words and simply allow.

Allow those who need to read them to find them, because, friend, they will. 

You’re here, are you not?

And If You Desire More Joy, More Fun,
More Play In Your Life. . .

If you want to step into your soul instead of crawling out of your skin at every turn — Well, my words just might be the balm your soul’s been craving. 

Maybe it’s time you too realize you’re perfectly imperfect just the way you are.
That you aren’t broken,
don’t need to be fixed,
and have something aching, begging,
no, demanding to come out of you.

Something creative perhaps.

Whatever it may be your time is now, is it not?

So come on in, cop-a-squat with a cup-o-tea or your favorite vino, and shovel in some empowering food for thought.

Words Are My SuperPower and it’s way past time you discovered what yours is. Because when you do, discover your superpower, you can suddenly access peace and joy, have more fun. . . and, well, life is simply delicious!

Photo Credit: Noah Silliman @noahsilliman

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