The Art of Letting Go
What we believe determines our life,
like paints determine the color of art.
Or threads become a pattern on the fabric of our life.
Your stories create the color and pattern of your All.
From the emotions you feel
to all you attract
to you.
It begins with the stories
you choose to spin
and hold onto.
And how you choose
to let go
of those you no longer
You now have so much freedom –
because you have choice.
You can stay trapped
in the programmed version of you,
or you can delete delete delete
and recode a new delicious one.
But here’s the secret universal law
that makes this so much flipping fun . . .
Whatever choice you make,
it will get you just where you are meant to go.
You can end that self-imposed suffering—
wondering is this the wrong choice?
Is there a better one to make?
Imagine all the energy you can reclaim
when you breathe in,
breathe out
and choose.
When you choose to let go,
of the old stories, the old ways of being,
the patterns and habits that take you
there is forgiveness, growth, a new awareness.
In allowing yourself to let go, you tap into your own greatness.
In letting go, you find your best self and begin to create your most delicious life.
This is what happens when you no longer push on the pull door of life.
In other words, when you do all with JOY.
When you play in
childlike wonder,
Or whatever word floats your little rowboat,
or big-ass yacht,
All shifts.
As your energy rises,
as you smile,
as your spirit lifts.
When you let go of being your story-version of adult and allow yourself to live in play, possibility, purpose, potential, passion . . .
something magical happens.
That’s not a license to ignore responsibilities,
to not pay your bills,
care for the kiddos,
or do those things you’ve committed to.
But encouragement to look closely at
what works,
what doesn’t.
What IS, simply
because of all the stories
you’ve chosen to buy into
in the past.
Because as you unravel one story, you will soon discover
1,000 more.
And it can freak you out
or it can be a freaking treat.
A hide-and-seek game to the you
A you that perhaps doesn’t need to focus on the why but on creating a most delicious life.
One so uniquely yours
what anyone else has to say
matters not.
We’ll save worrying about what others think as a story to dive deep into another day, but for now simply lean into what it costs you to remain trapped in the why—if that’s your tendency.
If it makes you feel delicious, by all means, please do sink into why.
But if it leaves you feeling a bit lost, confused—like it does so many—
consider, today, letting why go and breathing in new uplifting possibilities.
Focus instead on creating that new story in your head.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Letting go of the old.
Just like the lungs expand,
your new story will too
as in releasing the old comes the space for new.
You get to choose.
You can only focus on one thing at a time.
Focus on the past, wrapped up in asking why
Focus on your now, this moment in time.
For this moment dictates what your future will look like.
In what sandbox do you wish to play?
It comes down to two things: awareness and choice.
If you have awareness of a story, you now have a choice,
one that can fill you with wonder—
to let go . . .
Do you even want to? That is the only question.
As it may feel uncomfortable to shed that thing you’ve been attached to for a day, a year, a decade, gasp, more.
And we tend to bury our heads in the known-sands when in discomfort, even when it’s the very thing irritating our delicate, thin skin.
At least, that was big-time me, me, me.
When I learned to
acknowledge the story,
no longer pretending it wasn’t a part of me,
no longer hiding from the truth of it—the good, the bad, the ugly.
In lifting my head out of the weighty sands of me,
in seeing that story and how it ruled me, controlled me,
shaped the very life I lived,
hated or loved mattered not . . .
I now had the choice to take responsibility.
To keep the spin of it,
to ask if it even served me.
To judge it—harshly
or simply to let it go . . .
A Marie Kondo release with JOY moment—
not of the physical stuff, of which most have aplenty.
But of the often even heavier, more cluttered load
carried upon one’s shoulders
in the form of tale after tale after tale.
For some it’s a simple moment of
this no longer serves me
and thus, an easy letting go moment.
For some people and stories, we dig in.
Are tempted perhaps to travel down that Why Way
but see the flashing red lights
I’m shining your way.
Asking why is a serious misstep out of JOY,
a never ending tunnel,
one that twists and turns
sharper than James Brown did.
Just as why leads to more questions
and keeps you stuck in a never ending loop,
taking time to think about the story,
to stew in that tale,
instead of simply asking—
does it serve me?—
Now that is a waste of your most precious resource.
The old proverb of when you pray, move your feet, comes to mind. I love that as so many think
If I just pray . . .
If I just meditate . . .
If I just ‘om’ . . .
If I just think about it . . .
No! This is your life, and life is meant to be lived.
A delicious verb.
Because time is never returned to you.
Because to stay in the now bemoaning what was
last week
last year
a decade ago
is simply staying stuck in the continuing saga of that story.
The one you say no longer serves you.
You must, and yes, I say must as it’s #truth, show up and do your part.
You must move the needle of what you say you want.
Delicious life? Cool.
Get moving and create it.
And it starts with letting shit go.
It’s no longer enough just to sit and think about it.
Humming or not.
You can live in the comfortable-discomfort of a now-known story—
no judgment here.
Or you can do the work and change your story—
with ease, JOY, delight.
Or with a flat attitude of
Another damn story, good God, I swear!
Your most delicious life is created your way . . .
And it begins with
do you make it easy?
or do you make it oh-so hard?
Do you sit in the spin,
consumed by shame, pain, blame?
Replaying convos over and over in your head
Wishing, praying, demanding a different outcome
to something long past dead?
If you’re ready to live in JOY,
it takes jumping the rails of the worn out stories in your head.
When you’re ready to free yourself of the weight,
and craft a new tale,
pick up a purple pen—
or any color will do
and spin a new web,
a new tale that serves you.
Sometimes the excitement of creating that most delicious life,
on paper, right in front of you, is the very thing that will enable you to simply, finally, forever let go.
Post Photo Credit: Deborah L Carlson @ratlady