Live Your Most Delicious Life Now, Here’s How

Imagine for a moment if you stopped getting ready to get ready to do that thing that you say you want to do in your life. 

Have you done that on some small or large scale..? 

Held yourself back, done all the other stuff in order to finally, one day, do that thing you feel called to do? 

….I know I sure have. From busy work to overthink, it’s a pandemic more vicious than the one we are currently surrounded by. 

The claws of this dis-ease come from within… from how we see life, think about ourselves, feel about our situation.

Whether it be washing the laundry instead of placing those sales calls…

Cleaning the entire house, even re-organizing the entire pantry, instead of writing that website copy…

Investing in another course, product, class so you can get ready to do that thing you feel so called to do but believe you aren’t yet qualified enough to even start

That book you want to write
but have yet to pen a single chapter, page, word…

The one you think about,
even talk about publishing…
one day…

What if we have it all back-ass-wards?

What if the very act of taking that first step forward is actually the thing that gets you ready

What if qualification happens when you start?

Yes, there are some fields where you don’t practice your whip-stitch on a living heart without some clearcut training, education and licensing even… 

Does one even do a whip-stitch on a heart? Hmmm, tipping my chin with my purple pen, thinking back to Dr. Christina Yang on Grey’s Anatomy, as that about sums up my surgical know-how… 

By choice. 

But unless your dream is in a career that calls for life-and-death skills, decisions in the moment that are based on a bank of learned techniques that you must master…

More qualifications are not the answer to what ails you.

What if all you’re doing is placing yourself in the spin cycle, on repeat, wasting time getting ready…to get ready

Because you are afraid

Terrified you might fail
Horrified you might succeed – once, then what? 
Worried you might be judged.
Scared you may be found lacking.

Petrified that you may fall flat on your face. Splat. 

Imagine if all you need do is simply cut through the crap of Excuse Land and do the thing you feel called to do.

How many dresses do you really need to try on before going on that date? 

No, girlfriend, I’m serious! 

What if you knew yourself so well, loved yourself so flipping much, that you felt solid, comfortable, perfect in anything you put on? 

Because let’s face it, 
you didn’t wait to look perfect 
when you were an infant 
spitting up and blubbering nonsense
from your crib or bassinet 
or safely cuddled in your mother’s arms. 

You didn’t wait to be qualified 
or even taught properly 
before you took that first 
unflattering crawl,
as a wee, little one, 
now did you? 

Even if you don’t remember it, 
you did it, friend,
Without waiting for permission. 

Because you didn’t go from rolling on your back to running marathons in one leap or bound. No matter how badly you want to be a SuperHero. 

Words are my SuperPower, I so get you! 

And chances are, everyone thought that crawl of yours was utterly amazing, even if it did potentially start off shaky as hell and end in falling-failure.

When we can let go of three misconceptions our lives become so much easier and more enjoyable, in my most humble opinion.

And this is what I’ll be dishing on during next week’s Wednesday Words.
So make a date with your fine self and calendar your read time now.

And hey, sunshine, if you know it’s time to stop getting ready and start doing, book your coaching call with me today because it’s all about who you are JOYfully being as you start a-stepping…

Isn’t it time you step into your purpose, your passion, your truth today? Just saying!

Photo Credit: Jukan Tateisi @tateisimikito

One Hour Can Transform All

Jill R. Stevens

I am an author, a coach, a newly blooming goddess, and aserial entrepreneur. Words and I have always engaged in an intimate dance, and through the art of stories I share big ideas, offer pause-worthy mind-edibles, and drip what many would call “life advice”...but I simply call it truth. My truth. If it resonates with you, stick around, have a look-see. And if it doesn’t, no harm, no foul. Some people say I’m woo woo. Other people say my words changed their life. Read on and decide for yourself.

Discover Your Most Delicious Life Now, Here’s How (Part 2)


Video Share: Kicking Perfect, The Poem