The JOYFul Writer

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Journaling This Way Should Be A Life Requirement

Journaling this way should be a life requirement because the results are no joke — awesome.

When I taught my high school and middle school students, I had them write a one-page essay every day as Bellwork.

Yep, one page.

That one exercise catapulted them to success and even impacted the school, which went from a D rating to an A after that year.

Now I’m not taking credit for that massive jump in testing results, because quite frankly I think tests suck and are biased.

However, I do know that writing or journaling is point blank the best thing you can do for yourself.

And my students proved it by coming back to me year after year with thank yous and gratitude for making them write each and every day — because now they could.

In college.
In the workforce.
In life.
And, as it turns out, in their journals.

Seriously, I sound like a broken record and yes, I am also naturally a writer, so you might be thinking Yeah, this is easy for her. 

But it’s not. 

Not always.

Just like it wasn’t easy for those teenagers. But they did it. Every day for one year… and I taught in the public school system for four and a half years. That’s a lotta words written…

And it translated for many into what I want to share with you here today.

It’s my secret sweet-salty sauce. You know the one ingredient, spice, add that you just can’t place that makes your taste buds dance in delight when trying that new dish.

Writing a story or an article is one thing.

For me, that's easier than writing in my journal or even writing a letter to someone.

Writing down truth, on paper, about myself, that can be hard. And eye-opening.

But, also so flipping rewarding because it’s RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF ME. 

My words, my truth and my honest reality

Not always pretty but that honest look, at least for me, is where the true reward comes. 

There is something about the act of journaling, that allows my brain to process what's needed when it's out of my head and in front of me on paper.

There’s something powerful in putting intangible thoughts down on paper that suddenly makes them incredibly accessible - touchable.

And within reach.

So, let’s get our journaling on this week.

Now, this isn’t just any kind of journaling. This is an I AM Journaling Method that will rock your world.

Yep! I said it and you can quote me.

It’s a way of showing up, on paper and in the world, as though what you wrote has already happened.

This isn’t a new idea but it’s one I took to like a bird naturally takes to flight and it literally changed my universe… 

Ha, not just my world! 

This one idea, habit or way of being, when you look back in 52 weeks, has so much power to transform what is in your life. 

This one practice, when implemented, WILL CHANGE YOUR FLIPPING LIFE.

Hold me to it.

In fact, at the end of just four weeks of journaling -- that’s only 30 days, yo -- you won’t be the same. 

See, it’s just not possible to start writing out our thoughts in a language of universal command and not see an impact. 

So, if you wanna bet, I expect you to email me or come back and post here 30 days from today -- the day you start your I AM JOURNALING journey.  

And I’m so confident your life will change and amazing things will unexpectedly start to take root and show up for you that I’m willing to comp you one year of my JOY-Subscription if you can prove that after just 30 days nothing positive came into your realm of existence. 

But hey, do you really want to? Prove me wrong.

Or do you want to take up the challenge and quite possibly drastically improve your life?


When you start writing WHO you are BEING as though you already ARE… well, your life changes.

When you start to write WHAT you are DOING as though IT ALREADY IS, well hold on because life gets seriously Fun! 

(Yep, with a capital F)  

When you start writing the things, feelings or experiences you want in your life AS THOUGH THEY ALREADY TOOK PLACE…it’s a done deal.

Because it is.

But here’s the other deal. Those who actually do this practice, review what they started to write AS THOUGH IT ALREADY IS, are amazed by what they find.

We forget, naturally, what we wrote a month ago, a week ago, two days ago.

We, humans, have the attention span of a goldfish. Less than 8 seconds. Literally.

But when you read back over past journals, suddenly you will start to SEE your current life in your PAST words. And that’s amazing, cool and exciting.

So, start today by journaling what you want to show up in your life over the next year, how you want to feel and who you want to be and write from a place of it’s already in existence - as if it ALREADY IS.

Even if it sounds a bit woo-woo because literally you have nothing to lose!

But hey, if you’re not fully convinced that this life-changing exercise can work for you, it’s okay, seriously! Simply go ahead and start convincing yourself today and watch the positive impact unfold in huge (and small) ways over the next 7, 14, 21 days… 

Then make a date with yourself 30 days from today, or your start date, to re-read your entries… 

Why? Well, I’ve seen from my own life and from those of my student’s experiences that you might just be blown away.

You might be so blown away by what IS now in your life, things that match what you wrote in your journal, that you start to do this work on the regular… 

Not just for 30 days! 

And you may decide to review your journal at the end of each week, instead of every 30 days.

A former student of mine told me that when she started to review her words each Sunday for the previous week, well, her results seemed to increase… 

When I asked her what she meant by “seemed to increase” she said, what at first took her a week to see started to come into her life within days, even hours. 

Like unexpected money…overnight.A new client out of the blue…when she put out the thought to impact more people.

An offer on her home when it had been sitting quietly on the market for over 52 days with no showing…  

When I say this practice works...well, I’m not just talking out of the side of my cute mouth, friend. 

It’s easy to see the results when the writing is right in front of you to review…
Is it not? 

So, from my point of view you have nothing to lose by giving this new way of being a go. 

Simply grab a notebook or journal today - it can be fresh and clean and cute or it can be scraps of torn paper you staple together. 

It matters not. 

What counts is starting, committing and following through. 

Isn’t it time you put your all into something that will benefit you enormously?

Isn’t it past time for you to take care of yourself and build the future, the dream, you most desire? 

Now is your time, friend. 

Make writing your thoughts this way a new daily practice.
Make thinking this way your new art.
Make reviewing your I AM Journal every 30 days your new way of being

I AM Journaling should be taught when kids can first write. 

It should be as routine as brushing our teeth. 

So make it your new addiction! 

Because this way of showing up, thinking and being raises the bar and makes life so much FUN.

And life should be fun.

If you’re anything like me, you’re dying for an example. So here it is. 

This morning I wrote in my journal

  • I AM an honoring, loving and kind partner to my Frenchman.

  • I AM a steady rock in a sea of change - from the ebb and flow of moons to the drama that can be life, I do not waver in BEING at peace. 

  • I AM healthy, happy and whole at each moment of each day. 

  • I AM blessed with more energy today than I experienced yesterday. 

  • I AM prosperous and my impact is felt globally through the viral spreading of my SuperPower - words

  • I AM adding the best number of new JOY-SUBSCRIPTIONS each day and impacting at least ten or more lives a day with my words.

  • I AM overflowing with gratitude for each breath I take, each step I walk, each word I write (or say) and each person I touch, impact and serve. 

  • I AM manifesting abundance in every thought I have. 

  • I AM deliciously JOYful every moment of every day.

  • I AM filled with love for all that is. 

  • I AM excited to cook in my now-done cottage kitchen and have a morning coffee off my ‘secret garden’ patio now that it’s completed, tiled and filled with delicate orchids.

    (Side note: This is under construction but in my journal and in my mind it is done.) 

  • I AM impacting the ONE who reads this post with all that is possible for them, and in turn, they spread that ripple of JOY by sharing this message times three or more.

  • I AM blessed that my website (this site) has touched, moved, healed and inspired more than 1 million lives around the world in one year alone!

    (Side Note: This is my truth and will be my reality because I say it, know it, release it as done.)

  • I AM honored that the words I write heals broken hearts.

  • I AM living my dream of writing impactful words daily, coaching perfectly imperfect creators who reach out each day and book sessions, and empowering all who visit this site with more JOY.

Your Assignment Should You Choose To Grow Into Your Own Abundance… 💜

I encourage you to begin I AM JOURNALING now in the comments below by simply completing this line...

I AM living the dream of…
(Insert your dream here and remember, the more specific you are the better!)

Need a helping hand with this I AM JOURNALING METHOD..?
I get it. Sometimes a guide makes all the difference. I’m thinking about being just that…a guide…for 30 days of I AM Journaling help, prompts and how-to insights with some live interaction — Workshop Style.

If this floats your boat, leave me a comment below and say I WANT IN and I’ll set it up... The idea is there, the method is known and works, I simply need to know you want IN!

PS - And if you’re more a 1-to-1 peep, I feel you. I too have a coach who guides me. Book a transformational hour with me now and let’s get your rocking and rolling into massive, magnetic momentum. Click the banner below and discover more now.

Photo Credit: Trent Szmolnik @ts_imagery

One Hour Does Have The Power To
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