The JOYFul Writer

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Stuffed With Gratitude... Are You?

For those in certain parts of the world this is a time to be give thanks.

Yet, what if everyday was a day to be utterly, turkey-stuffed, profoundly grateful.

This is what I have been forced to sink into this week.

Utter gratitude.

I use that word – forced – specifically,
as I was so addicted to my story of hiding,
playing small,
not being visible,
not (cough) knowing how to step out and be seen.

I finally called bullsh*t on all of it...

Not being visible.
Hiding in plain sight.
Not sharing me without some smoke and mirrors
Or legal layers of protection.

And instead, I focused on doing the thing...

Showing up
As Me,

All shifted when I submitted my words just seven days ago to an online publisher with on average 10 million unique readers a month.

Hmm, go big or go home, right?

And it paid off...

One week ago today, I was honored to having my words published on this leading platform, Elephant Journal.

Know what my coach said?
Of course, Jill.

And not only that, the editor reached out directly to share with me that he'd chosen my piece as his weekly Editor's Pick.

Again my coach…
yes, I have one, don't you?
chimed in with another
Of course, Jill.

When this editor said my words could, should go viral...
that warmed my heart
and I took a beat to receive the message.

Did you catch that?

To fully receive, with an open heart and deep gratitude, takes pause.

Takes a moment of acceptance, reflection, grace and fabulous stillness.

And I got still.
I got quiet with the newness of receiving.
And found it opened something within me...

A most fragile of blooms...
delicate pedals unfolding with sudden, delightful ease...

A tickle of JOY
A smile of delicious ease.

Ahh, yes...
Let it be easy.
And it shall be.

When I allow greatness to flow to me.
And truly allow myself to receive it.

It takes gratitude.
So much giving of thanks for all that is,
all that was,
all that will be...
With no thought to coulda, woulda, shoulda

Nothing but the absolute stillness of this moment.
Breathe it in...the JOY of feeling so thankful for this day, every day...

Today, instead of a post on my blog, please check out this read over on Elephant Journal and consider giving it a heart so more people can find these words.

If you're feeling gratitude in your heart for this message,
consider sharing it on social today right from that site.

You may change someone's life and increase the score so more people can read these words... my words... published as me.

Because it's time my message went vital... with me in plain sight, is it not?

If you agree... spread the word today by sharing that link directly from Elephant Journal... it's easy to do... and leave a comment or two!

Until then Happy Thanks Giving
each and every moment
of every flipping, fabulous day.

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