Cutting Back - The Tree And Me
Yes, I murdered the tree.
At least, at first look, that’s what you might see and thus the story you may just spin. Even as you, perhaps, curse me.
It was, after all, a beautiful 100+ year old sea grape tree.
A tree whose leaves spanned from golds and oranges
to lime green, evergreen
and would often sprout up purple.
Yes, purple. My delicious color.
Imagine that... more than 100 feet of blooming, iridescent purple!
Now that’s magical for me.
And yet, as I type, there are no more leaves.
Just solitary stalks
shooting upward
into the sky
for all to see
on their morning drive-by.
And they most certainly do see and ask me
Internally whispering, Tree Murderer!
with a side of stink-eye.
But here’s what I know that perhaps you do not…
Sometimes we must prune to allow for regrowth.
Sometimes we must cut way back what’s no longer needed.
Sometimes we must butcher that b*tch so what’s dis-eased can go.
And for my lone sea-side tree, that’s what took place.
No leaf left standing.
And it hurt me deeply to do…
Both the stewing in should I?
and the deed, the undoing.
Yet, what I know is that I have allowed space for possibility to now grow.
Within me and for this tree.
Because to do nothing would have meant a slow, painful, diseased death.
To do nothing would have meant more indecisive hemming and hawing for me.
A most horrible place to be.
And what now exists is a rebirthing of something fresh, something new.
For that tree,
For me,
Perhaps for you, too.
Where in your life do you need to trim back a bit?
Or cut it all down to the ground?
Like the branches that were hacked back and fell,
My own words are littering the proverbial floor around my sole-s.
While my edits for this new book are not words that can kill,
Lack of clarity in life, in a good read, sure will.
So as I sit, overlooking the glass-coated, summer sea,
And my bare-bark tree…
There have been moments of
Should I,
Should I not
cut this or that back?
It’s okay to doubt,
Natural to question.
But to spin in that web,
now that’s sure-fire depressing.
What you do next is all that truly matters.
Look at what you may need to edit in your life today,
When you do, you allow room for new growth
And magic to unfold.
Moo Baah internally saying – Maaah! What did you do?!
What, in your life, are you neglecting that needs pruning, editing?
Share below in a comment for it’s time to get those shears out with ease and delight,
Even a slight murderous gleam in your eye.
But just know,
a tear or two may fall as you
trim what needs cutting back.
But in the end,
Delicious freedom
For expansion, possibility will open within.