The JOYFul Writer

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Your Factory Default Setting Is Not Miserable, Scared, Fearful But…

We all have a “factory-default-setting”... a way of being that many of us lose sight of over time. 

We often become disconnected
from our own inner knowing,
our truth,
either because we aim to please,
feel we are not enough,
believe we are broken. 

Here’s the Universal Truth.
You are not broken,
you are not lacking,
you are made perfectly imperfect
just the way you are. 

To say anything different is like b*tch-slapping the Universe, is it not?

I now come from a space,
a place,
a way of being
where JOY is possible.

And with JOY present,
anything and everything
is possible. 

Imagine living from that space, place.

Imagine waking up each day with utter,
spine-tingling JOY.

Imagine knowing you got this, whatever THIS is.
And not only do you “got it”
you rock it…

Because of who you show up BEING.

My first way of being is JOY.
And several years ago,
I’d lost it.
I’d negated it.
And my life suffered because of it.

You’ll hear more about this
in The JOY Magazine.
But for now,
simply know

So what energy do you bring to the table of life?
to your life?
to your work?
to your self care?
to your bank account?

I live by what I call a Cosmic Truth.
Abundance Follows JOY.

And when you CATCH this,
not just GET it,
doors will swing wide
and ALL will literally flow to you.

This is when you step back
are finally able to stop
pushing on the pull door of life.

So if you want more abundance in your life,
in any area…
from health to wealth
to relationships to self love,
the place to start is, yep,

I’m an expert at using words to shine a light 
that may just enable you to SEE, 
to FEEL, 
to come home to your own unique truth.

I’ve been coaching creatives,
publishing executives
(many who secretly dream of being the inspired artist)
for nearly two decades.

And like all ‘good’ things in my life,
from writing to coaching to teaching to earning money,
to healing my body and even meeting my Frenchman,
I fell into those roles by accident. 

Yet, what I recognize now, is that I “fell” into nothing.
Nothing was accidental,
as I believed. 

I saw life through this filter of chance
because I did not feel worthy of receiving
Thus, it had to be a fluke when things in my life actually worked, right?!

Nothing is chance.
Life simply works when I get out of my own way.
When I get out of my own head.
When I tap into the magic that is me.
A magic that lives within each of us.

I’m a word lover.
Words ARE my SuperPower as you will come to see.
(If you haven’t already 😉)

Stories impact us. Period.
And our stories shape who we are…
in a positive way
or in a way that keeps us trapped,

I had boat loads of stories,
a noose around my neck,
an anchor around my ankles.
Forever pulled apart,
Until I literally felt like a tightly knotted rope,
fraying from the middle…
inside out.

Our stories build us up
or tear us down.

And diving into them,
without stewing in them…
Without sinking into them 
and creating a rich broth 
that boils for hours, days, weeks
(for some of you even years),
is part of this life. 

I perfected the art of hiding in plain sight
Even as I published 33 bestsellers to date.
For myself and for others.

(Gasp, as this is maybe the fourth time I have said this out loud — ever!)

I perfected the art of being ‘behind the scenes’
even as I wrote for the silver screen...
And this year, dabbled in writing songs…

I perfected the art of ghostwriting and loved it,
even as it kept me chained in isolation.

And nope, my pseudonyms are locked down and these lips are sealed.
Because that’s how I designed my life, 
Up till now.

Like a spider, I created an intricate web,
Well many, to be fair.
I wrapped my wins up in sticky cobwebs to save and savor… 

I created delicate strands of magic
To shine and glisten in someone else’s limelight 
And never celebrated me
Never received.

See my life was so focused on my failures,
Failures I felt were so massive and numerous they negated any potential wins. 

And the bottom line reason for this lack of acknowledgement
A deep rooted hatred of me.

A lack of self love,
I didn’t fully know existed,
just under the surface of me.

A turbulent rip-tide,
Affecting everything
Tossing, turning and pulling me under
at every opportunity. 

I designed the perfect, delicate, intricate web
to maintain my identity as a hider.
To stay hidden. 

Did you HEAR that?
Back that line up if you missed it…

I designed my life. Period.

You design your life.
See, the life you currently have is co-created by you. 
Full stop.

And when you get this, and let go of the disbelief, 
and see the power of understanding that
you co-create
that is you. 

And come to know the GIFT that knowledge is…
Without blame,

But instead with love,
and so much flipping JOY…
All will shift.

For it means you can co-create your life to look any damn way you please,
can you not?

So, what do you want? 

My Frenchman used to ask me that question,
when I was so bloody depressed,
riddled with anxiety, even though I didn’t know it... 

Filled with dis-ease that was literally making me sick…
And spinning in over-thinking,
over-doing land
Forever seeking something
always just out of reach. 

I had to ask myself
was it was I even wanted...

The answer is surprising and I wrote about it right here.

Photo Credit: Sam Manns @sammanns94

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