How Do I Even Start?
Where Do I Begin?

Writing A Book…
Telling My Story…
Sharing My Message…
Creating My Most Delicious Life

These Are The Questions I’m Asked On The Down Low
And Now I’m Answering Them, Workshop Style!


That Thing That’s Bubbling within…


You have a story. Maybe it feels stuck inside you. It’s been building up like someone picked up a can of Coca-Cola Classic and gave it a gentle shake.

Or maybe it’s more a violent toss or two.

A trapped wave of thought after thought after thought of delicious, sweet carbonated you, and the moment you pop that top open — words, ideas and well, you are going to erupt all over in a sticky mess.

Terrifying, is it not?

To know there’s a story bubbling within yet having no f-ing clue how to string it together..? Where to even start..?

Frustrating, even.

Not knowing what to do about it. Where to begin. How to type that first word, sentence, paragraph - gasp - chapter... 

And questioning if you should even pop that top..!

Because when you do, allow those words to bubble up and out, there’s no going back. No putting a lid on it. No backing down.

Writing is a window into you.
Words create
Your soul.
Your essence.
Your heartbeat.

Workshop your words.

Start Creating your most delicious life.

Jill R Stevens and the Purple Pen

Be you a writer
aspiring or full-out

Simply needing a roadmap, dose of reality, helping hand

Struck Creative Enroll in Jill R Stevens' Masterclass on Writing

A Stuck Creative
Feeling as though
Something is missing

And unsure how to regain your footing…

Tell Your Story With Jill R. Stevens

A Beautiful Beaming Being
with a story welling
deep within

Ready to overflow without direction…

Jill R Stevens Works With Curious Creatives

A Curious Soul
desiring a path
to bring your
visualizations to life
and co-create Your
Most Delicious Existence…

Without doing harm, hiding or waiting for permission…

Jill R Stevens Coaches Abundance Creatives

A Starving Artist

so sick-and-tired of that limiting belief and story-of-lack.


The Abundant Version Of You
The Inspired Creative

You Are Here To Be, Is It Not?

And what better path to follow than one
who’s walked the walk, penned all-the-words and
discovered the ultimate JOY that comes
when you do what you love.

If That Resonates In Your Soul