The JOYFul Writer

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Who Am I? The Answer.

If you missed part one, The Inspiration, behind my answer, then you may wish to revisit that here before diving in.

Below is me in a riff moment.
A moment of self-reflection where I allowed the answer to come to the subtle and all important Question.

Who Am I?

See if you can’t answer those three little words without
wanting to please another,
without wanting to be right,
get it right,
not offend
not be judged…

Do you even know yourself at all?

Short answer is hell-to-the-no..

Let go of all the bullsh*t and baggage. It’s heavy and you’ve been strapped to it long enough.

Spend a moment today, after you read this, and ask yourself that those three-very-loaded words.

Who Am I?

When you do,
from absolute truth,
you can accomplish so much.

Dive in with me as I share vulnerably The Answer to this question.

I can because, friend, I do not give two-sh*ts if you love it, hate it, like me, hate me or feel offended by my words.

We each have free will and yours involves joining me on this path or clicking away.

How much balls would it take for you to publicly say the same?

When you do, you attract those who are meant for you.

You. The you still here, dying to read my answer to the all important question that makes life easy, all possible and everything that much more delicious.

Who Am I? The Answer.

For me.

I am a sensitive soul who is youthful yet tapped into something so much older, wiser, all-knowing than I. Don’t ask me to explain it, for I can not. And I no longer try nor do I question this knowing of…more.

I am a JOYful being who stands lovingly planted in her own word-driven spotlight, not from a place of ego… From a place of responsibility, dedication, determination, and dharma. 

I am a passionate, fiercely-loyal, deliciously-generous soul who knows that giving to others is life-sustaining on a level most can not fathom. 

I am an observer, a storyteller, a word-wizard who allows the stories that need to be told, the messages that need to be heard, to flow through me. 

I am the conduit for what comes pouring onto the paper and ends up on bookshelves, both digital and wooden, around the world.

I am often scared shitless, but pull up my big-girl panties and I do the thing anyway. For when I do, I am being committed, self-integral, brave, bold, powerful, and true to myself. 

I am learning that less is more and to keep the drama that comes with this life out of my inner circle. I am welcoming of all and yet uphold boundaries that honor what’s most precious to me. 

I don’t give two-sh*ts about what others think and have stepped into a more daring way of being as I get to know and love myself unconditionally.

I strive to never judge, criticize or cast my beliefs on others, and honor each person on his or her own journey. 

I forgive more easily than ever and that fills my cup. 

I live from a place of everything is energy and all is 100% possible, 100% of the time. 

I am forever learning but no longer seeking. I know that the answers come in the space between. 

I am at peace with who I am in the world, as I know I am part of The All and uniquely me. 

I have a purpose greater than myself and lean into that when called, even when I can not define, understand or fathom it. 

I live from a space of not needing to know all the answers, ask all the questions or think my way through all-the-things. 

I know that “how” is none of my business and instead sink into allow-ing. 

I value silence and solitude as much as time spent with those I love. I protect both at all costs. 

I cherish those friendships that can be picked up as though no time has passed and anchor myself in only relationships that build and fulfill me. 

I compare myself with who I was yesterday, never copycat another, and work hard simply at knowing myself better than I did.

I show up daily knowing I am BEing the best version of myself in each moment. 

I practice the art of loving myself unconditionally every second and daringly commit to trying new things, stepping outside the box of my own comfort and am honored to show others the same path… usually through my words.  

I am a provider of options, paths and possibilities as a natural-born teacher, but do not drag anyone by the ear nor hair. I allow each his or her own journey, or not. And am okay with their choice. 

I take nothing personally and this is the constant work of being fully, deeply aligned, at peace, JOYful me. 

I am comfortable in my own skin and knowing that my growth, my transformation, my evolution, me is a work in progress. One that never ends. 

I am flirtatious, smile often and have a quick wit. I enjoy engaging with those who can keep up, know themselves and have something of value to say.

I am supported in all areas of my life and need not see all the steps laid out before me to trust and know I am good. 

I am an edifier, an encourager, an educator. My greatest desire and reward is for all paths I cross to be left feeling better than before I entered their life. 

I live from a place of “people remember how you make them feel” and strive to honor each person on his or her journey, to coach only when hired, and to allow others to rest where they are...even if that involves them marinating in their own suffering. 

I am a deep feeler yet know now that being a true empath does not involve sinking into another’s misery but allowing and honoring them to move through it themselves. 

I take nothing personally and yet will defend myself, those I love and what I know to be best for me.

I am a lover of creatures, big and small, and believe they share so much wisdom when we open our eyes and remove the veil. 

I bond with children instantly, don’t ask me why, and love to dance, sing and act a bit crazy.
I can carry a tune, sometimes. 

I cook without measuring a damn thing, because sometimes rules, like grammar, are meant to be broken. 

I am a rebel in my own sweet-as-pie way and can be a bossy-bad-ass bitch when needed yet am motivated from a place of utter love. 

I know that laughter is medicine for the soul and movement, medicine for body, so I engage in both daily. 

As the thinker of my thoughts, I choose carefully each and every thought I focus on and work diligently to harbor only those thoughts that serve me, better me, and honor my growth. 

I go after what I desire in this life with passion, with purpose, with precision and I listen to my inner knowing as it gets me to exactly where I am meant to be. 

I am so very comfortable in my own skin and can honestly say “I love myself”...

Can you?

Let me know in a comment below.
And if you feel daring, grab a journal or open a Google Doc and answer that question for yourself.
Who Am I?

This is helpful in so many more ways than just getting to know yourself.
This is the magic ingredient to your life, your business, your success.

What if all your messaging,
how you communicated…
everything that is you,
embodies how you answer this question?

Give that a ponder as there’s much to receive here if you are open…

Photo Credit: Alexandru Zdrobău @alexandruz