The JOYFul Writer

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What’s In a Name? A Naming Challenge

So this year has been an eye opening experience. 

And not even due to the pandemic as I simply refuse to give it any more credit for the good and bad of daily life. 

Instead, this year has been a deep-dive into getting to know me. 

Getting up close and personal, uncomfortably so, with who I am and who I desire to be. Of imprinting into my DNA like an inkless stamp that never expires – I am enough. Just as I am. 

This year has been about stepping out from behind my self-imposed shadows and being seen.

And it’s been a doozy. 

See each year I choose a word and that word becomes my focus for how I desire to grow,
become more aware,


It’s a powerful tradition that I’ve done now for decades and I’m not even sure where I first heard, found, stumbled upon or outright thought up the idea. 

[ I’m all about giving credit where credit is due. High up on my food-chain of values. ]

Well, soon I’ll share more about the massive impact my word for 2021 has had on me, but it may have to wait until it’s a was… 

[ Watch for that word-nugget to come once we ring in the new. ]

But I will share this. 

My word for 2021
was my name.


Just Jill. 

And that’s been so incredibly impactful for me because I’ve literally had to look at all of me. 

See I’ve been a hider-in-plain sight for most of my life.
Ghosting my way though.

Often giggling behind my fisted hand, a secret only I knew.
Yet, also solely in my wins. Easily able to discredit them. 

Often calling it being introverted,
too sensitive,
needing space…

I kept myself back,
more than connected.

Connection, in more than small doses was hard.
As was receiving love,
which I just wrote words on
which you can also read. 

Which is actually the point of this here must-read. 

What’s in a name?

I’ve this delightful new addition to my farmette.

A little cottage, on a hill, overlooking the sea where I seem to become an enchanted version of Snow White…

All the little creatures coming to me. 

And my latest is a pup, not a goat. I’ve rescued 9 of those to date and am still bottle feeding 5 when not writing words and enJOYing my new nameless treasure. 

We, humans, are so often given a name before we even emerge with a soft or victorious cry. 

We are labeled before we leave the sterile walls by a word or series of words – a name.

One that has meaning.
One we give meaning. 

So one week in, as I sit here pondering names for my new English Bulldog pup, now 16 weeks young, I can’t help but think… What’s in a name? 

Let me toss it out to you as this is me now willing to receive.
A former hider-in-plain sight, stepping out and being seen as me.

Just Jill. 

Names have come to me for all 9 goats. My flock, not herd.

I know, right?
I’m confused as well.
Flock, say what?

Sometimes those names come quick as the rising red-gold sun breaking through the tropical dawn. 

Like Moo Baah my very first baby goat,
who looks like a cow
but sounds like a – 
say it with me now – 

Sometimes a drip, dip – molasses smooth inching at a wee crawl toward the held-at-ready silver spoon. 

And that seems to be the case with this new right-now snoring under-my-chair one.

A cuddly, sharped tooth bear of a beast who deserves the very best “label” I can provide. 

Because a name does matter, does it not? 

In some cases it sets us apart. Unique.
In others, it raises an eyebrow. Hard to pronounce. 

What’s in a name?

I’m curious to know, as for me, names often circle back around, giving depth and unexpected color. Like the uncommon name uttered when I was eleven that changed my life. A name that has suddenly resurfaced in another and fills me with a shiver. 

I feel the delicious weight of responsibility for each name I bestow on those four legged fur-babies and hoofed beasts I rescue.

Hell, even the gecko who stalks my desk and bookshelf while I write.

What’s in a name?

Such a fun question to ponder and if you have a thought – do tell. 

Leave me a comment, as right now my sole focus is name-debating about this new pup. If you want to play, give it a go in a comment below… 

And if you want to learn more about naming characters, pups or telling a story, join my in my Free Facebook Group

Dare I say it’s delicious!

When You’re Ready
to Let the Words Bubbling Within Out to Play

This is the safest, most JOYful place to step into and begin.
Absolutely free – right now.