The JOYFul Writer

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Self Importance Is...

Today is a short and sweet dip into a delicious pond of poetry.

Here’s the thing.

I’ve never been a poet yet my words have always had a lyrical flow to them.

Poetry is about reading between the lines.
It’s about inferring what’s being said.
And, it’s all subjective

We give meaning to these words just as we give meaning to all things in our life.

I learned from a very wise mentor of mine that nothing has any meaning, except the meaning you give it.

And boy-oh-boy, that’s some hard truth to grasp.

But once understood…
Once you sink into that kind of awareness…
That’s when life becomes a continual skinny-dip into the silky-smoothness that is JOY.

Dive into this short read now and enjoy a moment of delicious space in your day.

It’s time to reclaim your JOY, is it not?


Self-Importance Is…

Who made…
Universal Queen

Who made
Keeper of all
Overseer of all
Emotional gatekeeper of the...wall?

I did.
I see the error of my ways
The emotional turmoil
Tossing and turning in waves.
The loss of peace
The constant battle
The disease.

That’s what you..I creat-ed
Dis-ease in my environment
My emotional state
Dis-ease in my very being-ness.

Who am I being?
To think I can take on the weight of the world.

The problems of spouse
The emotions of friends
The trials and tribulations of loved ones —
Those here and already gone.

I hold on,
Like a tightly enclosed fist.
Important am I.
Needed am I.
Loved am I.

I matter,
As I carry that weight on my shoulders.

A badge of honor
A battle scar—
A battle cry.

See me — I am great.
See me — I bleed myself dry.
See me. See me! SEE ME!
How irate 
Am I?

That the honors are not bestowed
The metals don’t shine
The heaven’s never seem to part
And deem the world mine.

Yet, uphill I push
Forcing my way
Hubristic am I
More clever than the Universal whole
A hamster on a wheel
Watch me...soar.

Only to spin,
To crash
And drop down, down, down —
A sinking stone.
So very low
We go.

I roar.
Yet, unheard I
Let down, again
Am I.

The world doesn’t revolve around me

Release the weight
You say.
But then
Who am I?

That weight of the world
Defines me
Is me
Cloaks me
Comforts me
Does it not?

Release the weight
Or seal your fate.
The Universe will survive
She’s not your mandate. 

Release the weight
Note the date.

Be still
Simply await. 
For the Universe is in fact
Perfectly great. 

A sigh of relief?
To bemoan my fate?
I choose now
To be great.


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Photo Credit: Ashton Mullins @ashtonmullins