The JOYFul Writer

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on writing a book …

If you want to write a book,

see your name in lights,

think THAT is the dream...

I feel you, hear you, see you and ask you to read this post.

So ... you write a book.

You find an agent.

You get a publishing deal.

You arrive.

The angels sing for you.

The NYT Bestseller list is within reach.

Your books are selling...

You receive a royalty check.

Happiness is yours.

Yet, is it?

If you base your happy on

awesome reviews,

royalty checks,

selling a book,

getting a deal,

finding an agent

I hate to break it to you but I feel I must.

Your happy will be fleeting.

Those nagging doubts will return.

The thought of "Oh shit, can I even do it again?"

may haunt you as it has tripped up so many "successful" writers before you.

I'm not saying don't order up a "deal" with a major house.

I'm not saying don't see your book title on a bestseller list.

I'm not saying your story won't be sold to Hollywood or Netflix.

I'm not saying that second book has to be a deep soak in doubt.

What I am saying is this.

The key to writing is loving the work, not the outcome.

The key to your happy is never outside of you.

The key to being a published author is not to give two shits about getting published, finding an agent, penning that deal, seeing your name in lights.

See it if it motivates you, then let it float away. Done deal.

Now write.

The key is know it is,

own it as done,

feel the JOY within

As you sit down and write, Writer, write.

That is when your talent is won.

It's the art,

the drudgery of

day in day out

hit that word count.

It's the rinse and repeat

The editing

The writing

The dedication

The process

You fall in love with.

You find fulfillment in.

For the rest is just cherries atop the ice cream cone of your word life.

To rely on another to keep your dream from melting...

Hard stop – no.

For after the first yes fades...

A writer's work is to go back solo.

No more accolades.

When the cheers fade, you are left with you.

An agent saying, "Yes, you."

A publishing house saying, "OMG, you're brilliant, sign here!"

A list saying, "We want you on our book team."



But you loving the Journey Of You,

The writer.

Now that's damn delicious.

And there ain't no one who can take that away from you.

Today is about saying YES to you. Own your writing life. Own the title. Grant it to you, it is not bestowed upon you by another.

Today is about owning your own brilliance, not waiting for another to sing it.

Today is about picking you by writing to your word count, committing to one story you desire to tell and devoting yourself to daily words.

Today is your day to not just be happy, as that is forever-fleeting.

Today is about finding your JOY.


Photo Credit: Jaredd Craig @jaredd_craig

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