The JOYFul Writer

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Create Most Delicious Life - An Excerpt: the delicious reward

the delicious reward

Did you know that when a hen lays an egg, she clucks? It’s true! 

She’ll strut around,
ruffling her feathers,
flapping her wings,
clucking to the heavens,
celebrating the amazing thing she just did.

And the rest of the flock will follow suit, clucking and celebrating her accomplishment. 

Imagine if you started to celebrate your accomplishments too. Daily.

Hens know what humans have forgotten—there’s enough sunshine for everyone. One hen’s accomplishment does not diminish another’s. 

They never think it’s selfish to toot their own horn.

In fact, the louder the better. 

Yet when a human sings her praises, what does that make her?



Stuck up


Hearing words like, 

Don’t brag. It’s not polite.

Be a lady.

Tone it down.

No one likes a show-off.

Ego much?!

Well, aren’t we full of ourselves?

Look at all the messed-up stories we have.

Stories that we pass down from generation to generation. 

And these stories continue on
because we allow them to grow
and take root within us. 

When you stop caring what another person thinks . . . 

When you do what you do because it feels right to you in this moment . . . 

You will be free.
You will feel JOY.

You will be living your most delicious life,
one you have created . . . 
and that right there is divine. 

And you will stop the cycle of passing those stories down.
Down to your children,
grandchildren, a friend,
a stranger on the street.

This is the ripple of you knowing you, loving you, living your most delicious life—unapologetically.

Not everyone will dance it out,
loud and proud,
in front of a large crowd
on the tabletop of their life.

And that’s more than alright.

This is your life to live your way.

Simply stop looking to others before you choose how to be.
Be you. This is your opportunity.

My way of celebrating has always been to do so solo . . . 
a giggle caught by my own hand.

Hidden away to warm my heart on a day
when I perhaps wanted to give up.

Yet where is the ability to receive in that?
Lacking  . . . perhaps. 

And something I’ve personally been working on. 

Even in writing these pages as me,
in my voice . . . 
with my story-shares.

Perhaps profound.

Open, willing to receive.
From you, my delightful reader.

Not because I need to hear what you have to say.

Not because it feeds my soul to hear you celebrate these pages, these words.

Just as it will not tear me down to hear nothing,
because to me crickets are one of the most beautiful of sounds.

Yet when we liken them to what we hear when no one shows,
we diss mother nature,
we dismiss our own self-worth.

And that for me is a no-go.

I know, in my soul, this book, these pages will impact one. Thus, I have won. 

Yet I am not attached to that outcome. 

Before it’s even released,
before I even finish writing these words.

In fact, my rooted intention as I write is that these words be like a rushing tide of awakening for hundreds, thousands, millions . . . 

The impact felt for decades to come. 

A sweeping across a land,
a soft breeze touching upturned faces. 

Opening the hearts of all who are exposed,
a ripple effect more profound
than that of The Butterfly Effect

Yet again, I am not attached to this outcome.
My work is to write, to release, to allow the book room to freely breath. 

The reader the space to enJOY
or pass on by. 

The one who’s ready will sink in and love these pages
or toss them aside,
and either way is fine by me. 

For I am not attached to an external, outside-of-me outcome. 

Hear that and tap into your own knowing

My value, my worth does not come from the recognition of my work.

My value, my worth is present
because I take the time daily to own it, celebrate it,
skinny-dip in it with delicious intention. 

My celebration, my ruckus raised, my clucking
is in writing each and every word.

If you liked this excerpt from my up and coming book

Create Your Most Delicious Life
Life’s A Bitch (especially now) Make It A JOY.

Get your fine self on my waitlist for more deets and treats.

Photo Credit: @danieltuttle