The JOYFul Writer

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I Make A Difference

This month has been impactful, powerful and centered around one simple, profound word for me.


See, alignment is everything.

Alignment is what allows the service, impact or work I do to flow with ease.

Alignment allows the stars to align for you and propels you even when you feel as though you are standing still.

For this stillness is a new way of being called peace.

This stillness is no longer indecisiveness, indecision or (gasp) ignorance.

This stillness is a sudden awareness that you are aligned with that which is your passion, your purpose and all simply aligns to shower you with the abundance you once fought for, constantly struggled for, and have strived to achieve your entire life.


To be aligned. This is my month of such clarity, such aligned action that I’d love to share the ins and outs of it all with you.

So if you’re willing, give this ditty a read and lean in this month to all my words.

See all has changed.

Including how I show up in the world.

How I show up here.

Read and dive into this amazing word — alignment — with me…

Because it’s due to my new alignment that these words flowed out of me and I sink into them as though they are part of me on a cellular level.

For they are.

And as you read, lean in, for these words are yours to own, to feel, to embody when you become aligned, too.


I Make A Difference

I make a difference.
I matter.
I impact the lives of others.
When I get out of my own selfish way.

When I stop overthinking.
When I stop spinning excuses and what ifs.
When I stop sinking into doubt, fear, worry.
And sink into serving.

Now is the time for you to make a difference. 

Now is the time to own the simply yet profound fact that
You Matter.

Now is the time to realize that you impact lives
Your JOY

Or with your nothingness.
Your ego driven-worry
Your mindless procrastination
Your fear of failure
Your attachment to outcomes
Your blah blah blah….

All you do, plays a role in the world.
All you are, affects all that is.

Truth? Yes.
Harsh? Maybe.

Suck it up, Buttercup...
All you CHOOSE to be, matters.

When will you see—
Over all, you say, limits you.

Today, I step into truly KNOWING
I make a difference,
I matter,
I impact.

Not because ten
One hundred
Told me so.

Not because one
Says it is so.

Because I say so.
And so it is.

Allow today
to be your moment
the same. 


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Post Photo Credit: Jordan McDonald @jordanmcdonald