The JOYFul Writer

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Are you doing life your way?

I’ve decided something 

And it feels divine. 

I’m no longer in the market

To worry


To people-please. 

To ponder what this one wants, 

What will suit that one’s needs, 

What will make him smile

Allow her to be happy,

if you please. 

No, to the double-decker, red London tour-bus, no

This is my time for me

To say what I want to say.

To write the words that flow freely from me. 

To be uncensored 

If it pleases little old me. 

Sound selfish? 


Sound arrogant? 


Do I give two f---s!?

Ah, no. 

Sound like something you’d love to be able to jump into..?


Like the most refreshing pool 

of translucent blue-green, 


Healing waters…

A waterfall of words,

Feed by a rumbling, tumbling wave 

that sings your own personal song

As it trickles and slaps, 

Crashes and mists 

Against the timeless, 



Of you. 

See, I’m a poet.

Who knew!?

It’s rather new.

I’m a woman.

A dreamer.

A spinner of webs.

A writer,

A professional

For nearly three decades.

And that used to produce a snort.


Ah, the tiresomeness of not

Loving me!

So over that,

can't you see?!

I am an

An animal lover

A goat maaah

To nine crazy creatures.


And now a faerie godmother…

[my JOY Family can read all about that]

With no time left 

To hem or haw

To ponder this or that

To worry 

To prolong the impact

I am here to have

By sharing 

a part of me 

that was gifted,





See… if you don’t know

Words are my SuperPower. 

And it’s time I let them 


As me. 

No more shade.

No more spin.

No more what-if-ing.

Letting oh-so-go of all the




Things to be

This way 

That way



My way.

No more


I’m just a girl
who once had
what was simply
a childhood dream
after reading
a most delicious book.

[rubbing my hands together with glee at that memory]


A little cottage,

On a hill,

Surrounded by secret gardens,

Overlooking the sea 

Where I’d sit all day and write. 

Guess what, Fabulous?

That dream

It’s my f-ing reality. 

If you want in on that,

What I write,

And making those dreams of yours

Your JOYful waking day-to-day


Simply subscribe to JOYnotes 

It’s free.

A Fav Quote of Week:
Clarity is Kindness.  - Brené Brown

With that in mind, let me just say I’m about to offer you an invitation
which technically is a call to action. 

And that means an exchange of money for the value I bring to your proverbial word-table. 

Ah, teaching moments abound, as a former educator, it can not be helped. 

So, this is your moment of choice.
Keep simmering in the deliciousness of my weekly free content

This free newsletter.

[subscribe here if you’re just visiting] 

Or dive in deeper with me. 

The JOY-Subscription is just that

A ride into the world of a writer, 

One who walks-the-walk and thus 

Can talk-the-talk. 

A writer, who is living the dream

Earning bank

Publishing words

Loving life

All from a cottage overlooking the sea. 

And don’t forget the goats.
For there will be many goats.

And so it begins…

If you want a no-holding back on topics that float-my boat,

And could lift yours above high tide

While offering a refreshing spray

with with a tropical deliciousness delight…

You want in!

For the detailed soul, click here for more.

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