The JOYFul Writer

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Video Share: Kicking Perfect, The Poem

If you’ve been waiting to do that thing you’re called to do STOP IT.

This original share, of my first lyrical piece, was two years ago...Two years! It was during my first round in a Transformational Coaching Program, more on that to come, that literally shifted the ground under my feet and turned my life upside down.

In a delicious way. And the effects/affects are still a-happening…

See, I'm just now stepping out
and sharing my-fine-self
(yes, tooting my own dang horn, why not?!)...
and these words.

I’ve been one toe in
sharing up till now,
nearly two years ago
And finally have hit my mark,
My knowing that it’s time to dive in – 
with a full-belly flop
or swan-dive grace,
it matters not.

Originally published back in May 2020 but recorded/written February 7, 2019 and uploaded to a room of 148 souls… this moment in time was my very first step out into the real me.

One I’m so glad I captured on film
(yep, old school girl and I still miss it!)
and can now share with you
as I become crystal clear in my calling
(as you can witness in this week’s Wednesday Words share).

See I've always been a writer just hidden in plain sight.

Working from the shadows as a delicious ghost...

Sound familiar, Dear Hider?
Dimming your light…
Toning it down…
Not shining too bright?

Yet, how can I coach my clients to their greatness,
to write their best words,
to find their amazing voice,

if I don't first shine my light - and blaze a trail as me.

Not some pasty, watered-down, lukewarm version who simply is here to please.

It's past time you decided to shine, is it not?

When you're ready, I've got your back... press play to see that we all start somewhere...

And if you want to see the shift two years can make, come join The JOY Family and see the TODAY version of this lyrical work in full-living (video) color…

Plus, so much more.

Consider leaving a comment below and if this message, this video impacted you in any way, consider that it may also move those you know.

Give it a heart and share it today on your social channels by grabbing clicking the “share” link below. You can even copy/paste these words…

I just watched this video and wanted to pass it along because it’s that powerful. If you’ve got four minutes and want to sink into something delicious while you sip that coffee, tea or take a moment of pause, this is just the thing to put a smile on your face and maybe even make you think. I sure did!

And when you’re ready to let your creative side out, schedule a coaching call today. It’s your time to know you are good enough now to be heard, seen and read, if that is your most delicious dream.
