The JOYFul Writer

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Excerpt: Creating A New Story

If you have awareness of a story, you can now change it.

Do you even want to?
That is the only question.

As it may feel uncomfortable to shed that thing you’ve been attached to

for a day,
a year,
a decade,

And we tend to bury our heads in the known-sands when in discomfort, even when it’s the very thing irritating our delicate, thin skin.

At least, that was big-time me, me, me.

And this is where the work is.
It’s what I’ve chosen to write about in a new book.
And the working title (at this time) starts with a verb


To create something new action is required.

The old proverb of when you pray, move your feet, comes to mind. I love that as so many think

If I just pray…
If I just meditate…
If I just ‘om’…
If I just think about it...

No! This is your life, and life is meant to be lived.
Another delicious verb.

You must, and yes, I say must as it’s #truth, show up and do your part.

You must move the needle of what you say you want.
Delicious life? Cool.

Get moving and create it.

It’s no longer enough just to sit and think about it
Humming or not.

You can live in the comfortable-discomfort
of a now-known story –
no judgement here

Or you can do the work and change your story –
with ease, JOY, delight.

Or with a flat attitude of
Another damn story, good God, I swear!

Your most delicious life is created your way…
And it begins with

Do you make it easy? or

Do you make it oh-so-hard?

Take a beat and dive into this idea today...


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