The JOYFul Writer

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A venti chai latte vs unlimited JOY

I was in Florida recently,
All masked up

Ready for my drop-shock moment
Upon going from 5 square miles
To Miami International crowds

Upon crowds
Upon so many

Nothing fazed me...
Not when on the Turnpike
In the middle of an false-start Indie 500
No trophy in sight.

Not the multi-layered precautions,
The temp-gun to forehead at every turn

The double masking
upon entering
The Miami Cancer Institute

Not a request
But a given.

I took it all in stride and even made time to say hi to a pink cow.

[photo below]

And considered how I could smuggle her home
As I’ve always wanted one.

And then it hit me.
When I entered the local Starbucks.

I don’t recall
when last
I was at the place
of my once addiction.

Maybe three years now.
And here I was ordering...

Giving up my chip
one-off moment
Because I so got this thing.

No longer am led by my emotional
Ways of
Once being me.

But 6.50 USD?

For a Venti Almond Milk Chai Latte seemed
Well, high
Even to me.

And I can afford it
And first class to Italy...
So this isn’t a cheap-is-me

No, siree.

I love nice things.
From Tumi luggage…
We be rolling
with style

To my former Audi TT,
Loved her fancy, red-leather ass
Fast as f- b*tch

As she all but belted Ludacris

Move B-
Get out my way!
Get out my way!

Even as she purred down
all those

No, siree.
Cheap be not me. 

To my souped up MacBook Pro
Whose RAM and dual processing speeds
Keep up with my time-warp
Flying fingers
Across backlight

But this 6.50
For a Venti Almond Milk Chai Latte
Seemed just plain high.

And I’d left the grass-guy behind
So I couldn’t even pretend
My friend.

[only my JOY-Subscribers will get that grass-guy reference]

And it has nothing to do with lighting one up,
As some tend to do
And everything to do with goats.
So consider joining the JOY herd
To read those hilarious tales

But I digress.
As only writer’s tend to do.
With flare

And dare I say, a few
Too many words…
A time or two.

I shelled out my 6.50 one time in the 12 days and thought
Will I ever again?
Taking my first sip-ity-sip.

I think not,
For it didn’t fill me
With anything more than sugar,
Way more than I’m now used to

And, yes delicious warmth
But just for a bit.

Was it worth it?
I think not.

Not when there are other things for 6.50
That can fill my soul
With JOY.

Like a good book you can’t put down.

Granted, I am a word-nerd,
No doubt about it.

So a book, to me, a divine delicious treat.
One that lasts,
That says with me,
Quite possibly.

I eat words up,

And I spit out my own
With my purple pen
With grace
When in flow.

With the intention to
Even Dictate
Divine JOYful desire.

To make one laugh
Out loud
With delight

Or shed a tear
No longer holding it all in
So tight.

Words are powerful

But that Venti Almond Milk Chai Latte,
enJOYed but once
Sip after sip 
As I mentally pondered
Wow, 7 with tip

And felt later,
With a sugar crash and burn…
That all I invest in should
empower me
leave me feeling

Not depleted
Not strung out

I literally sell
word-JOY on a stick 
that leaves people feeling

Something more than bloated at the end of their rather long day.

So if you’re looking for more than a quick fix,
A hit to numb the pain

And want to truly feel your way

Then join me
For some word-JOY
And baby goat photos.

It’s definitely more costly,
An investment of $1.75 USD more....
But lasts a life-time,
As JOY tends to do...

Unlike that one-time
Sugary hit.

Personally, I find JOY so much more rewarding
Than a tempt surge of liquid-okay-deliciously
But that wasn't always the case...

So I feel you, friend
If you are wobbling to and fro
There's no best way to go.

Just do you. Be you.
And enJOY this wild ride
Called life.

With me by your side.

A Timeless Quote to Ponder 

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh

As a Zen Master, global spiritual leader, poet, peace activist, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee by Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. this native Vietnamese Buddhist monk was a bestselling writer on mindfulness and peace.

A fellow word-nerd I oh-so-love.

What I get from this quote,
From Hanh’s delicious words, is rather simple.

F*uck it and smile. 

Try it next time something crashes and burns,
An argument begins to stir
You awaken not feeling so great

You find yourself running late.

Just smile.
It changes all.
For you.
For another.

A smile can make a day.
I dare you to practice


Part of the JOY...

It’s rather simple.

Like my words. My vib. What I have to say.

Or simply curious about the goats
Which will put a smile on your face
And that has been linked to better heart-health,

Become part of the JOY-herd today for $99/year.


You'll get inside access to insights,
my words, my island paradise,
how I write, make bank and
why the heck I was even at The Miami Cancer Institute in the first place.

Plus, so much more I’m busting out of my word-seams to give it to ya.

But first, enJOY that pink cow.

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