The JOYFul Writer

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Do Nothing To Be Everything

Taking a moment, a breath, a pause and being still is one of the best, most valuable gifts you can give yourself.

In the past, I never was able to do this. Sit and be. Do nothing. Hell-to-the-no!

The reason, at least for me, circled around my thoughts. That little (yet rather loud, annoying, constantly chattering) voice inside my head.

The one that told me I sucked, wasn’t good enough, wasn’t lovable, didn’t belong, would never amount to anything.

Yeah, she was a nasty b—!

And she kept me trapped. Trapped in doing activities, in spinning plates, in always thinking about something so that I didn’t have to focus on what she was saying to me.

Words of self-hate, self-doubt, shame, blame, fear, and even anger.

Instead, I stuffed that sh*t down. I stayed super busy, yet never really getting anywhere or feeling like I “made it” — whatever that even meant.

I over-worked, over-thought, over-analyzed, over-perfected every-little-thing even as I spun in so many directions, I had trouble just being

In fact, I didn’t even know what that meant.

Just be.

What the heck is that even..?

To be.

But I tried it, this being thing because I could no longer do-do-do.
I could no longer spin all the plates.
I could not longer hold my breath and think in the span of that moment I ceased to exist…
Because I did.

And my body, my mind, my very essence began to shut down on me.

I was sick.
I was miserable.
I was tired.
I was stressed.
And I felt so damn lost…

And it was in this place, this space, that I gave the one thing I feared above death and public speaking — silence — a good, solid try…

And damn if it didn’t shift my very foundation.

Damn if it didn’t open the Pandora’s Box of my soul, my decades of stuffed emotional baggage, my raging self-hatred, and allow me to finally…

Be. Free.

This little jam, a slice of poetry, is just one creative spark that has come from now being able to sit with me, quietly and simply be

Read. Enjoy. And lean into what the thought of just being brings up in you… then leave me a comment below. Share if silence freaks you out as it once did me…

Because now, doing nothing, sitting in a moment of silence…
And just being
Well, that’s everything


Do Nothing 
To Be Everything 

What you say?
Do nothing.

Just BE
60 Seconds 

Okay. Yep. Fine. 
How hard can it be?

Breath in. 
Breath out. 

The silence 

One. Two. Three. 
Ah pesky thoughts 
Arrive immediately
To drag you in 
To pull you deep. 

What stories
Hold you back 
From simply stopping 
That do-do-do clock

What thoughts spin in your head
Causing that tapping of your foot

Do nothing 
Just BE
How hard can it...?

Ten seconds. 
Breath in. 
Breath out. 
All. Is. Well. 

Where is the itch to move
Coming from? 
Why is the need to check 
Swirling unchecked within...

Simply Be.
For just a few more seconds. 

Twenty seconds...
Breath in. 
Breath out. 
All. Is. Fine. 

It’s not a life
And yet time

How hard can it BE 
To find peace 
To just be. 

Half Way There...
All. Is. Divine. 
Breath in. 
Breath out. 

You are enough. 
Let go of the thoughts 
They rush in like high tide

No cursing 
the ebb and flow. 
No judging the waves
As they crash against the shore of you. 

It’s only 60 seconds of 
Of you 
Sitting with you 
Getting comfy with you. 
How. Hard. Can. It. Be? 

Forty seconds. 
Breath In. 
Breath Out. 

Feel the flood of
What is that...? 

Give it a name. 
Dive into that feeling. 
In this moment. 


Fifty seconds
Breath in. 
Breath out. 
All. Is. Right. 

Letting go...
A turning of the tide 
A flowing with the wave. 
Ride it girl
Or guy. 

Ride it 
As it’s yours to own
Yours to claim
Yours to enjoy. 

When you let go
When you allow
When you simply flow. 

Imagine all that...
Can be 
In just 60 seconds 
Imagine all that’s possible...
In just a moment. 

How. Hard. Can. It. Be...
To simply BE. 

Breath In. 

Peace out. 

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