The JOYFul Writer

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When The Words Flow... A Dash Of JOY

I created something new. Yep, seriously prolific here. In between books, letters to written for a few fab clients this week and a My Words Your Day® Intensive Experience, I still find the juice to create.

It’s literally in my blood. And I’d like to share it with you.

Like most words, this idea and what followed simply flowed. So, instead of questioning, overthinking, analyzing “OMG, another idea!” I gave myself the moment to be free.

I sat back, cracked my knuckles (not really) and let the words rip!

And boy did they ever…

Which is perhaps why I so love to write.

I don’t judge my words.
I don’t worry about my words.
I don’t question if my words are good enough.
I don’t really care what happens with my words after I’m done…
I realize they are a gift.

A gift I hand off to the reader, my editor, my agent, a client and how they are received next, well, that’s none of my business.

Hmm, detachment is a beautiful thing when you get it.

And thankfully, with words, I’ve been blessed to realize I am but the conduit.

So I allow.

And this, poem and a special something-something, is one of the things that came to me just a few short days ago and now has taken on a life of its own. More on that life-of-it’s-own to come!

It’s a poem, short and sweet with a delicate punch which is how I tend to coach my clients.

I say it like it is, no matter what the forum.

As you read A Poem — A Dash Of JOY, I encourage you to consider that thing you do that’s simply natural, easy, and aligned.

For me it’s words.
For me it’s teaching and coaching too.
But that came after doing and doing and more doing.

Competence breeds confidence.
Consistency breeds mastery.

So look to those things or that one thing you can do without question.

For me, it’s writing.
The words, those are a gift.

I can’t even fully claim them as mine for they simply flow through me.

And that’s why I’ve always been able to detach from the outcome. The thinking and worrying over how they will affect you and effect you, the reader.

So lean in now.

Picture that one thing you do that’s simply natural, easy, and aligned.

If you know it and can all but taste it — good!
Lean in and do more of it…

Don’t have it yet..? No worries. It’s there for you.
Allow it to come and it will when you let go of wanting to know now.

When we allow, all works.
When aligned, life is sweet.

Lean into what’s easy. I am and all is blooming. It’s actually pretty magical.

So that poem I mentioned is below is a sharing of what came from allowing this idea to be…

A Poem —
A Dash Of JOY

A Dash of this

A Dash of that

A Splash of


Delicious Delight

A Dash Of Joy

When you

Rise Or Reside

Give it

A Toss

Lean in

Just right.


Shaken Not Stirred

Guaranteed a



A Dash Of Joy

A laugh or two

Give it a go.

It might just be good for you.

My name is Jill

Or should I say JOY

For it bubbles from within

And spills out through my purple pen.

Hear me word-roar…

This is where we meet



The Dash In Between

So perfectly designed.

And dare I say…


Storyteller am I

So start at the one

Unless you desire

Mind-warping fun.

Matters not to me

Paint outside my lines.

I am but the sharer of the tale

You the receiver of all I unveil.

Welcome to

A Dash Of Joy