The JOYFul Writer

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Damn Chapter 3

If you get my weekly emails,
read my words
you know by now
I’m a writer.

I know.

And a JOYful one at that.

I’ve been writing for nearly three decades –

I also know.

I must have climbed from the womb
clutching my purple pen…

But just recently,
I wanted to chuck that and

My MacBook Pro
out my cottage window.

And that’s just not normal for me.

I was stuck on Chapter 3.
And it was telling,

As this is me writing as me.

Not behind one of eight
alter egos, pseudonyms,
or Ghosting another’s words

In secret delight.

But stepping out
me being me.

Sometimes even one’s art can feel hard.
This is what I shared with two of my clients

A behind the scenes peek
Into the ups and downs

Of creativity.

And it was the simple acknowledgement
that I was making it difficult
that finally freed me.

I set down chapter 3.
Decided to circle back around –

And instead of procrastinating,
doing nothing more than
bemoaning my stuck-fate

I dove into chapter 4
with a solid,
rock-steady beat.

It’s only hard when I say it is.

But it doesn’t have to be.

It’s a choice to stare at a blank page,

Or write something,
you please.

Or in my case edit
pretty please.

Where in your life are you choosing stuck?

that word is key.

I can’t tell you how long I stewed in my stuckness
of Chapter 3.

Of other stories throughout my lifetime.

And that’s not what matters.
At least not to me.

It’s not about the sharing of the drama,
that was me.

But the freedom
that unfolds when you let go...

And start again.

Photo Credit: Patrick Tomasso @impatrickt

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